Where is YOUR Mind?

We all were gifted with a most amazing and powerful tool in our bodies. Our mind. Sometimes we may feel like we have a mixed up, messy mind, other days we may really feel like our mind is clear and ready to easily guide us through our days.

Well geuss what, for the most part YOU control where your mind is!! Yes YOU. The mind is truly an amazing piece of machinery can really can get you through anything. Now, it may not seem like it some days, trust me I totally get that part!! It’s all to easy to let our minds get torn into a million different directions and we can begin to feel very exhausted, deflated and overwhelmed. What if I told you that YOU do have the power and the strength to help change that?? Well, I’m here to remind you that YOU DO!

Your mind will go where ever your thoughts are. Your mindset sets the tone for everything. So if you are constantly focusing on not so positive or super stressful things all the time, your mind will always be set in a non positive place. When your mind is not feeling at ease or is not given positives to think about our body switches into Flight or Fight mode and we are always on guard, always looking for the next threat or the next negative thing to beat us down even more.

When we shift our thinking and shift our mind to a positive thought or to a specific thing that we want to have happen, something that we want to do or be, it helps our mind get out of that flight or fight mode. It helps our body to feel determined, safe, optimistic and positive. This may seem a bit odd or hard to do, and yes you may be correct, it may be hard to shift out of that negative or “I can’t do it ” Mindset.

It’s the tough things in life that help us gain inner strength, confidence and joy. The more positive and uplifting things we can focus on, one little thought at a time, will help your mind become a more positive powerhouse for YOU.

For me, I love being outside, walking, exploring, spending time with my wee lil Yorkie, bean, as I continue I will share some of my own inner mind struggles and ways I really realized how simple yet complex and powerful the mind is. For each of you, you will have different situations, but I hope this helps you all with whatever kind of mind shift you may want! Last week, I headed our for a run, I was tired my head wasn’t really convinced running was what I wanted to do, but mentally I knew for me, I needed to be outside and clear my head. About 3 mins into the run, I felt this was not giving to be like the last run I did. I was letting negative thoughts creep in, I was comparing this run with a previous one I had done, I was getting mad at myself for letting the negatives start to take over. So, I stopped running, but kept walking, and started POSITIVE SELF TALKING.

Positive self talk has really become a game changer for me!! No, it doesn’t mean I only have Positive thinking all the time. I honestly don’t feel it’s right or possible to be positive all the time. Life does suck sometimes, life throws up crap that is hard, life throws us tines where we need to feel sad, need to experience unpleasant feelings, but that doesn’t mean you allow it to overrun your life. It means you learn to experience those emotions, feel them and let yourself have time to process and be ok with knowing these emotions will come and go and you will be ok.

So back to the walk, I was upset because the previous run I had done, I had planned, I had a set goal, and my mind was 100% with me and that task at hand. For me that day, it was completing 2 virtual runs that I had signed up for in the fall, but had yet to complete. And I must add that yes I most certainly had numerous days of negative self talk for not completing those runs sooner!!! But hey everyone does things at thier own pace and thanks to virtual runs now, at there own time also! As I continued walking, it dawned on me. Today when I set out, I had no specific goal, no specific route, no specific time or distance, I was just out without any focus. Well, this was the Ah ha, moment for me.. yep silly as it is I realized I need to set my mind to specifics to have a better chance of getting it done. Seems silly, seems super simple, seems stupid to some I’m sure and that’s ok. Maybe this thought isn’t for everyone, and that’s totally ok!!

Think about your own life for a minute, are there times where your mind is all over the place and you feel like the blue head picture above, your thoughts, tasks, whatever are all jumbled up and you just have no focus? What if you practiced taking one or two things from the jumble and practice making a clearer path, like the road mind picture above?

It may not seem possible, it may seem too jumbled, to hard, to many EXCUSES that keep your mind in a mixed up mess of everything. I get it. Start small, start little positive self talks, start practicing mind shifting, stop comparing to others, stop with excuses. Most times if your mind wants something, you have the inner strength and ability if you simply set your MINDSET correct!!

One step, one thought, one gentle self talk at a time, let those be the starting of you setting your mind to be your biggest motivation, your biggest cheerleader, your strongest power. It’s not impossible, be gentle with yourself and you just may be suprised with how much you have inside yourself, that you just haven’t been tapping into💜

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