PTSD and the healing power of a relationship with a Horse

Can horseback riding really be so much more than just a leisurely ride on a 1000lb animal?

More and more we are seeing articles on the benefits of Equine Assisted learning, or Equine Therapy in relation to healing the mind and soul in people who struggle with everyday life as a result of PTSD.

When somebody says horseback riding, the first thing that most people think of something along the lines of, adventure, thrill-seeking, adrenaline, fast, it’s a way of having fun. Or for some it can be pure fear and they say not chance in hell will you ever get me near a horse.

Today I want to share with you my observations as a spectator of a “ Riding with a Purpose” lesson for a veteran living with PTSD. I myself love being around horses, as long as my feet are on the ground! One day soon I hope to face my fears of being on a horse and start these lessons myself.

For now though I am still forever grateful for the lessons learned out of the saddle! I will cherish the fact that despite being a spectator, I have the privilege of benefitting from the lesson also.

My lesson that I share with you today, really has nothing to do with the actual image of horseback riding.

Before the lesson actually started, I was observed him, ( him being my fiance, a Veteran with PTSD) on the horse, they were focusing on communication with the rider and the horse.

It is in these first 5 minutes of his lesson, where my eyes actually opened, not to the interaction taking place in front of me, but to life in general.

The focus of the lesson in the saddle today was, how easy it really is to communicate with the horse. How a gentle touch can sometimes be your best friend. That made me think about life in general.

When you approach things, life, with fast abrupt, jerk movements and thoughts, the following can happen:

🐎You’ll tend to catch people off guard
🐎You’ll tend to be off guard
🐎Your breathing is not as controlled,it’s not as slow
🐎It’s too easy to lose focus on a certain thing when you are moving fast
🐎You lose sight of the small but significant things that can bring you joy
🐎You lose touch with your own inner feelings

What I noticed today was how much horseback riding, especially with a coach trained in Equine Assisted Learning, you actually learn a great deal about yourself and how you react to everyday situations.

People often wonder how can horse riding be a benefit to you. What does this actually do for you?

Let me share with you this, EVERYDAY that I’m in that barn and around these horses more and more I see how people can learn so much about themselves based on their interactions with the horses.

This lesson really just emphasized how important it is to be soft and gentle and calm and everything that you do. It was amazing how with just one simple finger on the reins the horse responds to the commands being given. The horse actually responds much easier to a gentle movement, a slow movement, as opposed to jerking and fast and hard.
I am really blessed to have this experience and to witness every week how “Lessons Learned” in the saddle can be transferred into everyday life.

What can you do in your everyday life to try and be more gentle, soft and aware of each and everything you do?

Can you take a moment to breath, take a moment to refocus, take a moment to determine what would be the best way for you to handle any situation that may arise.

When you can practice to be gentle with yourself and gentle with your thoughts and words, you will begin to see life in a different way. A way that hopefully will help you attain a little more peace and joy in your own life!

Many thanks to Jasmine and Marc Bastarache at Venture Stables in Freetown PEI for opening our eyes to a whole new world of opportunities in and out of the saddle.

PTSD is a diagnosis that can be scary, however with proper therapy, proper medication, like minded people, a safe and welcoming environment, peer support and the ever loving addition of a horse or 2 or 30, PTSD can become a little less scary.

For more info on the amazing things taking place at Venture, please visit their website here of find them on Facebook here.

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others  xox

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