A story called life.

It’s a story, your story. Each day a new page to be written. Each month a new chapter to be written.
The author is You. The setting is unknown. The plot is yours to unfold. The location, it’s up to you.
Experiences, Attitude, Desire, just a few of the motivators in the story called Your Life.
Choices, 6 powerful letters. The good ones, the bad ones, all join to form each page, each chapter. People will come, people will go. Lessons learned. Tears Shed. Bursts of laughter. Emotions will be chaotic

Amongst all chaos, one constant remains. YOU

You are the author,your story is yours. Be confident but respectful, Be proud but humble,Be loving but cautious.

Love intensely, live with passion. Shape your story into peace and fulfillment. Above all, write a story that makes you smile deeply, from the heart, with such strength that it flows from your face. It’s a story, your story, it can only be written once.

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