Walking Meditation – Halifax Public Gardens

So many people think that meditation has to be done in a quiet spot, so you can sit down with your eyes closed.

This, in fact, is not true!

Recently, I went for a walk in the downtown core of Halifax went into The Public Gardens in Halifax. If you are not familiar with this spot, the pictures I share here will give you a great idea of the beauty and serenity found within this green space in the heart of a city.

With spring here and summer just around the corner, the garden was amazing, as it is always. As I entered the gates, the whole world just seemed to drift away.

I did have my phone out because I wanted to capture some of these beautiful pictures I’m going to share. But otherwise, I simply walked. I spent about 20 minutes of my day to simply be present and in the moment and take and every little bit of the surroundings I was in. ( This was a fantastic break from the inside of the IWK hospital, where my daughter was. I was so blessed that I could spend some of my outside ME time surrounded by such beauty.)

Walking meditation is really so simple and can be done anywhere by anyone. All you need to do is be present with your body.

Tips to help you practice walking meditation:

  • Bring your focus and your mind to your footsteps.
  • Take note of every time your foot hits the ground.
  • Work at being gentle as your feet touch the ground.
  • Take some deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Slow your heart rate down and your mind as well.

For me, this particular morning, my mind was extremely busy. The deep breathing in through the nose and out through the nose, NOT the mouth really help to ground me. It’s incredible how the breath can do so much for you. I encourage you to play with your own breathing, practice different types of breathing, pay attention to how you breathe, bring some mindfulness to your own breath when you are feeling overwhelmed.

After only a few short minutes of walking, I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders. I was utterly amazed at how, in the middle of a city, with the hustle and bustle going around just a few feet away outside this beautiful park, I was able to shut my mind down and just focus on all the beauty around me.

This is walking meditation, my friends.

Letting your mind wander in the beauty around you. I smiled as I saw a young couple having pictures taken in the park. I spent much of my time looking around, watching the beautiful little buds start to grow as the trees and flowers all begin their new life in the spring.

I’m also a huge people watcher. Walking meditation through a park like this was an excellent spot for it. I don’t people watch to judge, I people watch just to take him the beauty. Each person is so unique.

As I continue to stroll, with each step I took, I focused more and more on my breathing, and I focused on being present and where I am.

So you see a walking meditation can really be done anywhere it just means putting your mind right in the moment of where you are. People are always so go, go, go in this day in age. By taking just a few minutes each day to simply walk and breathe and enjoy the beauty around we can really improve your emotional health.

There’s something about being outside surrounded by nature, seeing the bright blue sky or even a cloudy Sky it can provide some much needed YOU time.

To exchange a smile with a stranger, to be that smile maybe a stranger needs, it can really lift your heart and bring a smile to your own face.

Walking meditation is a tool that we all have at our disposal 100% of the time, but yet we fail to use it as often as we should. After my 20 minute walk through the beautiful gardens, my mind was clear, my lungs felt refreshed, and I had an overall feeling of peace.

As I left the park and turned back into the busy streets of downtown Halifax, I was so very grateful at this beautiful place nestled in amongst the chaotic hustle and bustle of a bustling City.

Scientific Studies have shown that by only taking a few minutes each day to ground yourself and to focus on some beauty and some positive things, you can really reduce your stress levels.

Where will you try walking meditation, my friends?

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo

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