One of those ‘Flippin’ Days

Do you ever have one of those days where you just can’t get it right, you have no desire to do anything but know you can’t possibly stay in the house any longer, one of those flipping days? My head was spinning, I couldn’t focus on any one thing. Well, I had that day, many times in fact.

Uggg this day!!

On this specific day I knew I had to force myself out or my head would just take over and It would not be good for me or anyone who happened to cross my path. So somehow I pushed myself out, did my yoga, get my girl off to school, off I go to the gym, my ‘go to place’. In the midst of this, I get a notification for a doctors appt, in 10 mins time, well great, my doctor is 35 mins away, so that isn’t going to work. Ugggg just yet another thing to make me think this is really one of those flipping days. But I must carry on, so I did! I did carry on, but in my head, I was beating myself for being so darn stupid and missing my doctor’s appt, I felt like a failure for that simple thing. Yep, that’s what I do.

But like we say life goes on right? LOL Gym workout went fairly well I didn’t have a top-notch run, but I did a personal best for me today because I got there and got through it. I found some shows on Netflix earlier in the morning that I downloaded and figured they might help get me through a 45-minute run. Well, guess what? Yes indeed, I did just that I watched an episode of some weight loss inspiration type show and it got me through the 45-minute run. Then from somewhere deep inside me, I decided I’m going to try something different so I moseyed over to the rower which I don’t normally use because it takes a lot of work takes a lot of energy. I know right, imagine, something at the gym requiring energy! LOL As I prepared to do maybe 10, maybe 15 minutes on the rower I decided to look for some type of podcast to get me some more motivation or some kind of interesting thing to keep my mind going so I can finish this and then head home.
I typed in motivation in the search engine on Spotify and came across a fantastic podcast because I struggling to stay motivated, to say the least. I chose a 13-minute podcast (Winter Motivation from Coach Marie) on winter motivation! Perfect, just what I was looking for so, I press play and immediately thought this would be okay. I can get through this and then within the next couple of minutes I found my face starting to smile, I found myself chuckling because this is just what I was looking for. It was short and sweet but really for me, it packed a punch. The messages she’s was sharing and how she talked about the difference between motivation and inspiration is when I sort of had my “aha” moment. I was able to shift my thinking a little bit and kind of refocus on my day. When I look at how my focus was so negative and all over the place starting the day, it was great how the first part of this episode made me shift.

I was getting ready to finish and I don’t really know what happened with my phone, the podcast ended and a song started playing and I had a huge chuckle and almost had some tears in my eyes. The song that came on and started playing after the podcast was James Blunt, You’re Beautiful. How freaking ironic is that I’m down in the dumps trying to find my way and get some motivation and Inspiration, simply to make it a productive day, make it a good day. Trying to stop those racing thoughts not let those negative voices rule my day. I’m huge James Blunt fan and I absolutely love that song. For me, it reinforced this thought ” you know what girl, you have a lot to offer, you have a great attitude ( sometimes! LOL) and even though you’ve got these negative little voices beating at you from time to time, telling you that you will fail, telling you it’s useless for you to try things, telling you-you suck as a mom. I’m sure many can relate with many of those things that in your own lives. That song just took everything negative out of me at that moment. So even though the day started off pretty negative and I didn’t know how it was going to go, I knew that I had to get these things out of my mind. So for all of you out there having one of those flippin days, I hope reading this might help motivate you. It might give you the inspiration you need to go and search a little more. Just go and do that thing that you’ve been putting off.
I thank you all once again for sharing my days with me. I encourage you to send me some feedback, I encourage you to reach out, I’d love to hear from you and how you’re doing, what keeps you going?
Sometimes these blogs are all that people can manage in a day because the outside world is just too much. I really feel the more we share the more we get these things out there the better we can help ourselves and help others.

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others xo

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