Day 2 Blog Challenge

Where will I be in 10 years?

Today’s topic is something that has really been entering my mind in the past little while. Life, as I knew, is changing, and changing fast! We are starting to look at the empty nest years in the next few years. With that realization comes a lot of mixed emotions! I love how the challenge today helps me focus on the best of things yet to co

The first and foremost thing I want to have in 10 year?

Memories and pictures and stories to tell from my upcoming wedding! lol

My youngest is 16 and will be going into her final year of high school next year. This leaves my fiance’s daughter who has a few more years left of high school and then our kids are all grown up. So what happens then? The Empty Nest sets in!! Ahhhhhhhh!!

It's kind of exciting to think about but it's also really freaking scary.

I know one thing for certain, I won’t be living in Atlantic Canada. As beautiful as it is, and trust me, it is beautiful! My time here is definitely coming to an end and it’s time to move on. I’ve never been one who likes to stay stationary for too long. Having been living on this island now for about five years, it’s really time to move on.
Looking forward 10 years, WOW, on one hand, that’s a long time, but in reality, time is flying by.
I’m hoping in 10 years time I will be a grandmother, although at this point in time none of my children seem too interested in having kids. That is ok for sure, they are all living their lives to the fullest each day! Fingers crossed that maybe in time that will change. Even if it doesn’t I will be a happy furbaby gramma I’m sure!
I also hope to be in western Canada, somewhat settled with a summer Residence in BC somewhere, and a Winter residence wherever the bare roads take us. Preferably somewhere with warm winters! I hope to be able to spend the winters somewhere. With that, we hope to purchase a motor home in the next 3 to 5 years.

I hope to have traveled to many many new places that I have yet to see. I have quite a list of places still to visit; Australia, I’d like to see Cambodia, maybe New Zealand. I’d like to do some type of South Africa trip and well, any of the places that I’ve only seen in pictures so far.

I hope to be continuing on this journey of mine, seeking out what brings me peace and what really makes me happy.

Looking ahead at the next chapter of those next 10 years, there’s so many mixed emotions, so many memories of days gone by when the kids were younger. Ya know, sometimes I think how simple life was in the past. The next minute I ‘m getting excited about the opportunities that still lie ahead for this new chapter.

It’s really a transition stage I think in life, the next five years anyway, while we continue navigating this road of parenting teen girls. I’m sure if any of you have teen girls you will understand the challenges of also huge joys. You know it, day-to-day excitement and the odd dramatic outburst.. lol, that comes with teenage girls.

It’s also really exciting having the opportunity to look forward to these next 10 years. We strive to live those next 10 years as if the next day is never guaranteed because, in all reality, tomorrow is never a guarantee. So it’s trying to live in the moment, trying to enjoy what you have right in front of you, but also still trying to balance that with a plan of where will I be in 10 years.

The question is, “Am I going to take control of where I want to be or am I just going to sit back and this journey takes me wherever?”
Either way isn’t really bad I guess, as long as that journey is taking me to places that bring me happiness and peace.

Am I going to take control of where I want to be or am I just going to sit back and this journey takes me wherever?


Something else that I hope to be successful in the next 10 years is continuing my outreach and advocacy for veterans. More specifically, veterans with mental health issues. I hope to still be involved with the nonprofit peer support group, Brave and broken, that I’m involved with here on PEI. I would be wonderful if we can grow that peer support network to reach many other provinces and states. Basically, be able to reach out to veterans that are having a rough go. Be that listening ear, that voice of encouragement that they might need to get through the day. I really hope I can continue on with that, while still balancing my own head. It is a passion of mine and I look forward to seeing what will come in the next 10 years as I keep moving forward unless I keep exploring myself. Summarize things this is what life will look like in 10 years if I had the ultimate ability to write that next chapter point-by-point.

A. I will be living in a small but welcoming little house somewhere in western Canada.

B. I will hopefully have all of our children living relatively close to us however I know I can’t control that but hey if I had the opportunity to write it I would have all six of our children living within a couple hours drive to where we are.

C We will have purchased our motorhome and we will have figured out all the quirks and all the tricks of living on the road for six months out of the year.

D. I will have checked off a few places at least from my bucket list of places to visit those being Cambodia, New Zealand, Australia, Newfoundland, Saskatchewan, somewhere in South Africa.

E. I will be continuing on my journey to living a life that truly brings me joy I hope in 10 years time I will have a bit more confidence I will have a better grasp on what it means to live with PTSD and anxiety and also I will have gathered many more Tools in my toolbox and many more wonderful days living with my who will then be husband who also has PTSD.

F. I think the final thing I can include on this list is that my fiance and I will have had the opportunity over the next 10 years to reach out and meet veterans from all across the country and the United States as well and help out those in need. We are both veterans living with mental health issues and we know there so many veterans out there in the world that are struggling and are alone. We are very fortunate to have each other to help us on the bad days and to share the laughter on the good days. We hope to be able to take our traveling home and visit from town to town and hopefully reach out and meet some fantastic people. Hopefully, put a smile on somebody’s face for that day at least.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others, xo.

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