5 Cool things about Canada

Well in honour of Canada Day, I am taking a break from working on my latest Mental Health blog, so I can share with a few cool things that only my Canada has!


We have a gum available only here called Thrills. Sadly to tell all you non Canadians, you will have to travel here to experience the unforgettable taste of this purple gum. It comes in small little rectangle shapes and tastes exactly like dish soap! Yep, I kid you not, DISH SOAP!! lol

Tim Horton’s coffee.

Tim Horton’s coffee. Yes, you can get coffee anywhere in the world, but Tim Horton’s coffee is only available here! Sad to say that even though I am not a huge coffee drinker, when I am away from Canada for more than a week or so I start to miss it!

June 5 each year, Tim Horton’s raises money to help send kids to camp!

Beavertails. No, I don’t mean the actual tail of our national animal! A Beavertail is a real Canadian favorite! It is a delicious deep-fried pastry that is topped with your choice of yummy toppings, such as apples, strawberries, or chocolate, to name just a few options!

Breathtaking scenery from Coast to Coast! The pictures are lovely but don’t give the real beauty for sure!

A Bloody Caesar.

A Bloody Caesar. Not the salad but the vodka and CLAMATO juice drink. If you are from the United States, you may know a Bloody Mary. Well, let me tell you, nothing compares to the authentic spicy and unbeatable taste of our Caesars! It is sad when some people try to pull a fast one and serve you a Bloody Mary when you ask for a Bloody Caesar! We Canadians like our spice, and the only way, in my opinion anyways to get that, is by using Clamato juice NOT tomato juice! 🙂

These are just a few of the unique to Canada things that I love about this great country! Please drop a comment about something totally Canadian that you love OR something unique from YOUR country that we Canadians may not know! 🙂

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo

Walking Meditation – Halifax Public Gardens

So many people think that meditation has to be done in a quiet spot, so you can sit down with your eyes closed.

This, in fact, is not true!

Recently, I went for a walk in the downtown core of Halifax went into The Public Gardens in Halifax. If you are not familiar with this spot, the pictures I share here will give you a great idea of the beauty and serenity found within this green space in the heart of a city.

With spring here and summer just around the corner, the garden was amazing, as it is always. As I entered the gates, the whole world just seemed to drift away.

I did have my phone out because I wanted to capture some of these beautiful pictures I’m going to share. But otherwise, I simply walked. I spent about 20 minutes of my day to simply be present and in the moment and take and every little bit of the surroundings I was in. ( This was a fantastic break from the inside of the IWK hospital, where my daughter was. I was so blessed that I could spend some of my outside ME time surrounded by such beauty.)

Walking meditation is really so simple and can be done anywhere by anyone. All you need to do is be present with your body.

Tips to help you practice walking meditation:

  • Bring your focus and your mind to your footsteps.
  • Take note of every time your foot hits the ground.
  • Work at being gentle as your feet touch the ground.
  • Take some deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Slow your heart rate down and your mind as well.

For me, this particular morning, my mind was extremely busy. The deep breathing in through the nose and out through the nose, NOT the mouth really help to ground me. It’s incredible how the breath can do so much for you. I encourage you to play with your own breathing, practice different types of breathing, pay attention to how you breathe, bring some mindfulness to your own breath when you are feeling overwhelmed.

After only a few short minutes of walking, I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders. I was utterly amazed at how, in the middle of a city, with the hustle and bustle going around just a few feet away outside this beautiful park, I was able to shut my mind down and just focus on all the beauty around me.

This is walking meditation, my friends.

Letting your mind wander in the beauty around you. I smiled as I saw a young couple having pictures taken in the park. I spent much of my time looking around, watching the beautiful little buds start to grow as the trees and flowers all begin their new life in the spring.

I’m also a huge people watcher. Walking meditation through a park like this was an excellent spot for it. I don’t people watch to judge, I people watch just to take him the beauty. Each person is so unique.

As I continue to stroll, with each step I took, I focused more and more on my breathing, and I focused on being present and where I am.

So you see a walking meditation can really be done anywhere it just means putting your mind right in the moment of where you are. People are always so go, go, go in this day in age. By taking just a few minutes each day to simply walk and breathe and enjoy the beauty around we can really improve your emotional health.

There’s something about being outside surrounded by nature, seeing the bright blue sky or even a cloudy Sky it can provide some much needed YOU time.

To exchange a smile with a stranger, to be that smile maybe a stranger needs, it can really lift your heart and bring a smile to your own face.

Walking meditation is a tool that we all have at our disposal 100% of the time, but yet we fail to use it as often as we should. After my 20 minute walk through the beautiful gardens, my mind was clear, my lungs felt refreshed, and I had an overall feeling of peace.

As I left the park and turned back into the busy streets of downtown Halifax, I was so very grateful at this beautiful place nestled in amongst the chaotic hustle and bustle of a bustling City.

Scientific Studies have shown that by only taking a few minutes each day to ground yourself and to focus on some beauty and some positive things, you can really reduce your stress levels.

Where will you try walking meditation, my friends?

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo

Remembering D-Day

This was by far one of my favorite and yet difficult posts to share with you all. It has prompted a few others posts that I will be working on in the next while to honor those who have fought for everything we are very blessed to have in our country today.

As a military veteran, and someone with a passion for many things military, I loved learning some great details that I really wasn’t very educated on up until this point.

Let me share a bit of background for the info and the gentleman I will share with you here. I am very fortunate, honored and proud of a peer support group that I help facilitate on PEI. Brave&Broken is the name of the group, here is the link to the website, if you would like to see more!

This group has really evolved into a family. A family of veterans who all have at least one thing in common, we will understand that family is not just those related by blood.

My Brave&Broken family has given me so much strength, support and love in the past 2 years it is just incredible. They are a great part of how I keep going and pushing through even the toughest of times. We meet on a weekly basis, this past week one of our members brought in some memory boards displaying a few local veterans who were part of the D-Day history.

I read each board with such amazement for a multitude of reasons, the pictures from the 1944 era were so touching and really showed a side of history that many don’t see or don’t care to think about.

I would like to share with you one particular gentleman, who is still very much alive and kicking today. Ira Enman is one of the few remaining WWII survivors. I am very honored to call him my friend and family.

Before I share a few points on D-Day and a couple of photos of Mr.Enman, let me share a bit of his story. At the young of 97, he still lives independently on his own in his home in PEI. He celebrated his 97th birthday this year! He is active every day and loves his walks along the boardwalk or spending time socializing at the indoor walking track or casino. He is more active then many folks half his age and will always have a smile to share with anyone he meets.

Ira, shown here, bottom left with glasses, and some of our Brave&Broken family celebrating a dinner together, just after his 97th birthday!

He was born in Harmony PEI in 1922. He was unemployed when WWII broke out and joined the Canadian Service Corp in New Brunswick. He was employed as a dispatch driver of trucks and motorcycles. In 1941 he was deployed to England , where he endured the London Blitz. He was a member of the No.63 Army Transport Company, where his duties included delivering supplies and messages to front line troops, convoy escort and prisoner transportation. He remained in Britain until landing in Normandy on July 7 1944. He returned to Canada in 1945 after fighting his way through continental Europe.

Upon returning from the war Ira spent years in Boston working at Thermo Electron.

He retired back to PEI in 1990 and resides in the same home he purchased in 1990! Ira was first married to Ellen, who was a war bride from England. After she passed away, Ira found a second love by the name of Dorothy, who was an island girl, who has also passed away.

Ira received the following medals and decorations from his service, 1939-45 Star, France-Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal.

Here are few points about that infamous day back in Normandy.

  • D-Day and the Battle of Normandy has become one of the best-known parts of WW2
  • Largest Seaborne invasion in History
  • The beaches of Normandy in France would serve as the landing spot.
  • Operation Overload was the name given to the planning and prepping for the D Day attack. ( this Op began more than one year in advance)
  • Omaha and Utah ( for the Americans) Gold and Sword (for British), and Juno ( for Canadians) were the code names given to the landing locations.
  • In the early morning hours, much before dawn, 450 members of the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion jumped inland. They were the first of our soldiers to engage the enemy.
  • In preparation for this Canada used Debert Nova Scotia, to build a mock village called Ortona Town to train the troops before sending them to Europe via boat.
  • 14,000 Canadian soldiers from the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division and the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade landed at Juno Beach.
  • The Canadians along with the British made it further inland than any of the other invasion forces.
    Approx 360 Canadian soldiers were killed on D Day.
    In total, more than 5,000 Canadians died during the two-and-a-half-months of fighting in Normandy.

To read in-depth about D Day here are a few links.

Pte Ira Enman

Ira Enman was born in Northam PEI. Joined Royal Canadian Service Corp in NB.

Ira’s War Diary

63 Army Transport Company
This is poem that a fellow veteran wrote about Ira, it is proudly displayed in Ira’s home.

I truly hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed putting this one together! Please take the time to share these kind of stories with our younger generations. This is a part of our history that really needs to be shared and remembered. Thank a veteran, or currently serving member whenever you can, please. ! xo

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others! xox

Evelyn – Last of her kind. A book worth your time!

Whenever I go for a walk or am out driving I love looking at things and wonder about the story they could tell. Maybe it’s an empty lot, an abandoned building, a statue or an object with no description. Do you ever wonder what stories surround it?

I find myself wondering all the time, ” geez I wonder what those walls could tell” when I see an abandoned house. It really makes me wonder. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking, or at least I hope I am not! Imagine what life was like for that period of time before it became abandoned. Well, today I want to share with you something that I discovered, a book and little history from pretty much my own back yard.

Image by Dani Myrick from Pixabay

I am extremely new to the little community we call home right now. I have no roots here but I know there is lots of history and lots of family tales to be told. I was at a local garage today getting the oil changed on my car. I look beside me on the bench as I waited and a book caught my eye. A beautiful face on the front, the face of a woman who has lived a long life. The title of the book is – Evelyn Last of her Kind-. I gazed through the book and looked at the pictures to start. WOW let me tell you, I was amazed and soon found myself fully into all her little stories!

This day I was hoping the oil change would take a long time! lol, It wasn’t too long but just long enough!! I was fortunate to be there long enough to flip through and read the entire book, taking in all the pictures, smiling the entire time.

Evelyn gardening, she always grew her thumbnails long, it made it easier to get the beans out of the shells she said!

Before I left, the lady who owns the shop made a comment about the book and we started talking. It turns out Evelyn, prior to being moved to a senior home and then her passing in 2016, she lived just down the street from where I live now. Her house has since been torn down. However, her lot is one of those places I often walk past and wonder, what stories it could tell. I had the privilege and honor of reading some of those stories about that lot in years gone by.

Evelyn in front of wood pile, with one of her pets!!

Evelyn wasn’t famous worldwide, but she was well known in her community. She was a hard worker and sounded like not only quite a woman but a one of a kind quite a human.

The book told of her life on the farm, it was just her parents, her and her sister. She worked on the farm from a very young age, doing the work that normally boys in the family would do.

Right up until she was removed from her home, she lived alone, with her Cat named Buttons, and 2 chickens. She would split her own wood in the summer, and haul it into her tiny home all winter by herself.
The book is a series of interviews done by the writer over a few years, it shares her stories about her love of farming, and being independent.

One of my favorite’s things from the book was on the back cover, which contained some quotes from her. Her words of wisdom.

One of my favorite’s things from the book was on the back cover, which contained some quotes from her. Her words of wisdom.

The world today has gone beyond the people. The people can’t keep up anymore.

Evelyn Chrtostoper

I loved thinking about how life was so much different when Evelyn was growing up. People don’t take the time for our elders as we used to. It really makes me sad to a point. It makes me wonder who will be the “Evelyn’s” of today.

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo

Blog challenge day 21

The Prompt for today is

If you could live anywhere in the world where and why.

Welcome everybody. It is hard to believe there is only 9 days left in this challenge. I have to say it again I’m super proud of myself that I’ve made it to this heart and this 30-day challenge I was only late one day with a post and I’m pretty content with that.

The neat thing I’m finding about these prompts now is I’m exploring. I’m learning new things and it’s exciting to share.

We all have those dreams we all have those visions of the perfect spot to live it’s different for everyone I’m sure. For me my mind always goes to blue water sunshine and sand. My dream home location would be and Island somewhere warm somewhere that’s the people are dumb and peaceful and enjoy what life brings them each day. I like the idea of an island being surrounded by water I find the water very peaceful. I’m fortunate to live on an island now, but I have red sand, not so blue water and Snow! lol

Palacio de la magdalena, santander, spain

I decided my morning coffee date with Google this morning would be spent looking for isolated Islands that could potentially be my home. LOL one day.

I came across this one article about this island that is extremely isolated and has a population of only about 62 people right now.
I think perhaps that might be a little bit too isolated for me but it was a really interesting read. Check it out here.

Now I don’t think I want to be on an island that is quite that isolated and requires quite so much Logistics to get to but I would certainly be down for a visit.

So where would you be if you could live anywhere?

Until next time my friends be kind to yourself and look out for others. XO


Today’s prompt is really cool, I promise🥰!!!

What is your Love Language?


I had never really given much thought to LOVE LANGUAGE- in all.honesty I didn’t realize it is really a thing! However thanks to my coffee date this morning with good ol Google I discovered this! There are actually five languages of love! Yup 5! A bunvh of books about it, and of course a multitude of websites thst explore it furthet as well. oh and of course the online quiz to help you determine what your Love Language is. lol

So before I take the test, I will share what I think my love language is, based on the definitions found here. You can read more about the 5 languages at that link also.

For now, this is what I think for me!Acts of service and quality time are the two that really stick out for me! I feel that for me the doing and spending quality time together, really melt my heart. I think for me this is really what speaks to my heart.This is kind of fun in a sense! It really gets you thinking about what makes you feel loved. I am really thinking that more people need to look at these as a couple or even if you are single. It really helps you realize what love is to you. So often we try so hard in relationships, but we are speaking different love languages, and frustration can set in.

So now then, Im going to go take that quiz and see what it says!! lol grab a coffee and you do it too!!


Come on you know you want tooooooo !!!! 🥰🥰❣❣🥰

Wellllll, lol, how did you do?This is my result! lol


If you want to read more on the 5 languages of love





I hope this was a fun read ! Feel free to share your LOVE LANGUAGE below!!


Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others !xox♥️

Blog Challenge Day 15

Well, half way there on my 30 day Challenge! Its fun for sure, if you haven’t checked out my other days check em out for sure!!

Today’s prompt is: Things that make me happy!

Today is another picture post day!

Small villages and towns make me happy. Here are some pictures and highlights from the tiny fishing village of Northport Prince Edward Island Canada.

Northport PEI

A place to lay your head

Northport Pier Inn

A comfy place with amazing water views from every room! Check it out here


The Boat Shop Restaurant

Open June – Sept check website or call to ensure they are open, just to be safe!

Harbourside Take Out

A yummy little take out right at the wharf! Great ice cream too! Opens in April. Check em out on Facebook here! ( ignore the 2018!)

Small villages can have so much to see in a short amount of time! I love the quietness and peace found in so many small villages!

What is your favorite little village?

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo

Blogger Recognition Award Nomination

Hi all my lovely friends! I am super humbled and proud to announce that I have been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by, Chasing Those Daydreams. If you aren’t familiar with her blog, please do stop today, you will be glad you did.

Also, you bloggers out there! Click on the link above to read her advice!

As a nominee this is what I must do! 🙂

•Write a post to show your award.
•Give a brief story of how your blog started.
•Give two pieces of advice for new bloggers.
•Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
•Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.

Huge shout out and thank you to Noelle from Chasing Those Daydreams for making my day by nominating me along with 14 other bloggers!!! Happy moment indeed! Link to see Noelle’s awesomeness is above and also at bottom of this post!

History of my Blog

I’ve been intrigued by blogging for quite some years now. Never really having the motivation or confidence to put my stories out there.

Well last month that all changed. I decided that I needed to share my stories. For a couple of reasons, 1) I wanted them out of my head, 2)I realized how helpful other bloggers had been to me and I wanted to help others in the same way.

I live with PTSD, depression and anxiety. My stories are not meant to be doom and gloom but rather a testimony that no matter how messed up your head gets, you are never alone and YOU are worth living for.

Welcome to my journey, my journey to Emotional Peace, where it’s ok to pause, count, two, three, and then continue 🥰🙏❣

My 2 peices of advice

1. Just do it. Don’t be too critical of yourself. We all started with the same hesitations, the same doubt, the same confusion. There is so much help out there, you too can do this!!

2. Have fun and smile while you explore other blogs and get ideas. Be silly, be you, step out of your comfort zone! Things can get stressful, take a break and explore or reach out to a fellow blogger. Ask for ideas, help, encouragement, lol whatever you need to make it fun and make it yours!

A huge thank you once again to Noelle for taking the time to check out my blog and giving me this boost of confidence by nominating me! xo

Insert loud cheering, hooting and hollering here!

My nominee’s are; !!!!!!

Are ya ready, hold on to your hats, here it is folks!!! ( in random order) Click on the buttons to see what I’m talking about! They are great!

Now it’s your turn my friends, if you have been nominated here’s a recap of what you should do now!!

•Write a post to show your award.
•Give a brief story of how your blog started.
•Give two pieces of advice for new bloggers.
•Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
•Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo

A girl, her dream, and many backpacks!

Today I made a post on my social media accounts about putting a sparkle in your day. Well, let me share with you all something that truly sparkles!

Rylee-Anne with 2 backpacks!

Meet Rylee-Anne Swinemar, a teenage girl from a small Nova Scotia town on a mission. Her mission is to attend Camp Courage. Camp Courage is a great opportunity for young women aged 15-19 who are interested in a career as a first responder.

In order to get accepted into this awesome camp, each applicant must write an essay on what they would do to improve the life of someone who is less fortunate. Once they have written the essay they must put their words into action and make it a reality.

Rylee-Anne has chosen to put together backpacks for individuals who are in shelters, and the homeless. With the help of her dad, Shane, and social media, she has received support from far outside of her small community. I don’t think I personally know her dad, but my fiance does, and we have mutual friends on Facebook. That is how I came across this firecracker of a girl!

How great is that, the world of social media is helping this girl fulfill her dreams!

She will continue collecting backpacks, personal items (see list below), and also monetary donations to help purchase and fill the backpacks until the end of April 2019!

At the beginning of May, Rylee-Anne, along with her family, will start the next awesome part of this adventure. They will be delivering the backpacks to the people in shelters throughout the Halifax area. Just the thought of the smile one of these backpacks can bring to someone going through rough times melts my heart and makes me smile.

If you would like to support her in this wonderful adventure, please contact her dad, Shane using the link at bottom. If you are not in a position to help financially, please share this, that is a great support as well!!

I will continue to follow Rylee-Anne as she continues this journey, and will provide an update once she starts the delivery. It is just amazing how much impact one idea, from one teenager, can have on so many people!

Rylee- Anne certainly knows how to bring sparkle to a person’s day!


Here is the list of things she is collecting for the backpacks, all items are to be brand new and still wth original packaging, except the backpacks, well loved and in good condition backpacks are welcome!

  • backpacks * hand towels
  • toothbrush and paste * hairbrush
  • unisex deodorant *bars of soap
  • towels *wet wipes(baby wipes)
  • face cloths *razors
  • sunscreen * small sewing kit
  • granola bars * small packages of tissues
  • toilet paper

Etransfers can be sent to Shane at swinemarshane@hotmail.com

If you want to reach out to Shane, her dad, via Facebook, click below

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself, and look for others! xo

Banff Gondola here we come!

We headed up to Banff Gondola, for the evening. We decided we would wait and grab a bite to eat while at the Gondola, which turned out to be a wrong decision at this time on a Saturday night! The only option was some chips, peanut or chocolate bars at the gift shop. The restaurant at the top of the Gondola is reservations only, and it was fully booked when we inquired.

The Sky-Bistro looks like quite an experience, and next visit it will be on our list to do for sure. https://www.banffjaspercollection.com/attractions/banff-gondola/dining/

We wanted to go around sunset to see the Alpenglow Festival in the sky. Check out more official words on the Alpenglow Festival here, https://www.banffjaspercollection.com/attractions/banff-gondola/events/
We grabbed a couple of snacks, purchased our gondola tickets and made our way to the tram entrance. It was a very short wait with lots to look at as we waited. We were amazed at how quick the trams enter and exit the corral platform area. The four of us entered the tram and the worker closed our doors and we were off on our 2292 feet high ride. Well, let me tell you, none of us were expecting the blast off out of the gondola building. We all said a few not so family friendly words and then started laughing!! The view was amazing and we had the 8-minute tram ride to really soak in all the beauty around us. The ride itself, once you get going doesn’t really seem all that fast now. It is enjoyable. Well for 3 of us it was! My son, the Combat Engineer who jumps out of fully serviceable planes with a parachute for a living, was not a huge fan of the 8 min ride. So, of course, being the loving, supportive family we are, we had to give him a bit of a hard time about that. He really did great and began to enjoy the views. You can see the entire town of Banff and all the mountains surrounding Banff, it was truly breathtaking. We reached the top and we began to explore the Gondola summit, the building is beautiful with a lot of exhibits, displays, and a gift shop, there is also a Starbucks as well but it was closed, just like the one at the Gondola base was. We strolled around a bit and then headed out to the boardwalk to make our way to Sanson’s peak

This peak is named for Norman Sanson, who would walk, every week, for 30 years to check the weather up until 1945. He was 84 years old when he stopped. He recorded his data in a stone building still located on top of Peak. The boardwalk was phenomenal, with lots of lookout points, steps, and turns, none of which Norman would have had way back then. The journey was so breathtaking, the temperature dropped about 10 degrees along the way. We took a bunch of photos and took in so much fresh mountain air , really just taking in all the views. It was pretty clear and flat walking along most of Boardwalk, with only a few icy patches, that could easily be avoided as long you were paying attention.

When we got back to the Gondola summit, Phillip Alexander Nugent was playing live music in the area that overlooked the great sunset, he was really good. https://www.phillipalexandernugent.com/. Be sure to check him out if you are ever in the area. We browsed around the inside of the Summit. There was a small with an Imax type film, it showed a short, bird’s eye view film of the sights surrounding Banff in all 4 seasons. There were interactive structures and some short videos clip walls. I have only a few pics of the inside, as I somehow deleted them, or never really took them, I have no clue what happened with that. (Struggles of being not very tech savvy!) Once we sat down for a drink and to take in some music after browsing, Lorena and I tried the Alpenglow Sparkling, it was very tasty, bonus too, it came with cotton candy. Bren had an Alpenglow Winter Ale, from The Grizzly Paw Brewing Company! We watched people gather s’mores sticks and head out to the outdoor patio to roast their s’mores at the great little fire pits outside. We chose not to do that, not huge s’mores fans, but it was great to see. The younger kids there seemed to love it, as did the young at heart. As the sun began to set the colors on the mountain changed so often, it was such an amazing, calming and peaceful sunset or Alpenglow, I’m still not sure what was what. The picture really don’t to it justice, but hopefully will give you enough to know you must add Banff to your bucket list.

When the Sulphur Mountain Observatory, way up top, where Norman Sanson would record the weather weekly was no longer needed, the location seemed to be ideal for a Cosmic Ray Study Station.

We made our way back to the tram line up to catch the bus back to town and finally find some food! All of the staff at the gondola were super friendly, the guy who loaded us into our tram was super smiley and made us all smile! Well, remember I said how fast the tram car left the platform on the ride up? Well, the ride down was way crazy faster. I was videoing as we were leaving, I must warn, the video does have some profanities in it, we tried our best not to, but a few just slipped out! Sorry to all that don’t want to hear that, but if you can mute, you should be ok!! The sun was set on the ride down, this allowed us to see more of the twinkle of lights in Banff and surrounding areas. We took a few more photos at the base before hopping onto the great transit system once again and headed back to the hotel for some eats! I love riding the buses in Banff, so many tourists and so many accents to hear.

Join us at The Meatball for our late supper adventure at the Banff Ptarmigan Hotel, our check out day and the trip to the Hot Springs, where we soak up the sun and take in more mountain views from the relaxing Hot Springs!

Some videos have foul language. Please mute if you prefer!

We tried our best to keep all videoing foul language free, but some just slipped right out!

Going down the Gondola, LANGUAGE WARNING
Gondola again, and again LANGUAGE WARNING
Gondola coming into Corral at top of Mountain
View from Boardwalk
Inside the Summit
Inside the Summit, a Cougar video wall

Be sure to subscribe to my blog at the right, or look for subscribe box, so you won’t miss out, still so much to share from our whirlwind Banff visit!

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others.