I was sooooo dreading this days challenge! Yet here it is and here I go. I’m going to make todays super quick, lol still in recovery mode after yesterday’s 2 blog day!
Color of my eyes. err
My hair, about one day a month! lol
The fact that people say I’m easy to talk too.
My tattoos
My choice of doggo purchase;) My lil Yorkie, Bean 🙂
The path my life is on now.
My determination, some days.
My vibrant silver roots. ( time to color it again!! ) lol
My puffy eyes
My lack of self esteem
My creaky knees
Ok short and sweet for today!
Until next time my friends,be kind to yourself and look out for others. xo
What living with PTSD means to me. Yup, I’m the beauty, PTSD is the beast, without the inner beauty like the beast from Disneys Beauty and the Beast.
First let me explain a little bit about what PTSD is, in my words. PTSD is a mental health condition that causes the brain to act in a way in that it doesn’t process trauma in a right or healthy manner. PTSD is caused by something terrifying to that person. It can be an event you went through, such as a vehicle accident or abuse. It can also be caused by the witnessing of a traumatic event or seeing the after-effects of a traumatic event. As well as the PTSD, I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive disorder as well as an anxiety disorder. The 3 really have similarities and it is sometimes difficult to determine if it is the PTSD, the depression, the anxiety or just plain ol life that is kicking me down. I have a hard time knowing what is normal emotions. I take everything super personal and tend to be very hard on myself mentally.
What is important to note is, something that is terrifying to me or you may not be terrifying to someone else. Living with PTSD is exhausting. Right now I am not going to go into the things that lead to my diagnosis. That is much too much for me to begin putting into words. I am still working on that part with my psychologist.
The other important thing that I need everybody to realize is that even though two people may have experienced the same situation it doesn’t necessarily mean that those two people are going will end up with a diagnosis of PTSD or develop the same symptoms of PTSD. PTSD is very individual in certain ways although it does have many common traits to it.
A day in the life of me is very different each day. Overall I tend to be super emotional at things that most people can just easily cope with and not have it affect their mental state of mind. I’m sure part of this emotional person that I am comes from the fact that I have a lot of traits of an empath. I hope to write more about my thoughts on being an empath in the future. But for now, I will try my best to share a bit of life for me living with this vicious trio of Emotional Illness.
Let me share with a bit about triggers. Triggers are a major thing when living with PTSD. For those of you that aren’t familiar with what a trigger is, let me try and explain. A trigger can be almost anything. A trigger can be a sight, a sound, a smell, a touch, words, just to name a few. You see really it can be anything. Triggers can happen at any time no matter where you are, no matter what a person may be doing. The trigger will affect your mind and can take control of you. You may feel like you are right back in the environment where the trauma actually occurred. It affects you mentally and physically. Sometimes people are able to work through some of there triggers with a lot of hard personal work with properly trained professionals. For me, I have been working on identifying my own triggers since about 2009. I have come along way but still, triggers can wreak havoc in my life.
For example, one trigger that comes to mind for me is confrontation. Now I know nobody is really a huge fan of confrontation however for me that’s a trigger. It makes me very nervous, my anxiety kicks in full force and I start to lose control of my mind. I lose the ability to see things rationally and reasonably. I can become fearful, paranoid and an emotional mess. I hate attending hockey games most times, I understanding fighting is a part of the game, but something inside me switches and I go from a normal common sense person to a highly agitated, paranoid person who automatically thinks things are going to get out of hand and someone will die. All in the blink of an eye, I switch. It sucks, I feel embarrassed, as I know my face changes and I look totally terrified. I feel like people are watching me and making fun of me for being so irrational. I know that I am being irrational but I simply can’t control the mind and emotions, and I end up leaving and hide out at home for way too long after that beating myself up for letting my mind take over in such an unhealthy way.
Sometimes something that is a happy thing for others is a trigger for me. For example, pregnant women or newborn babies, sometimes it brings my heart happiness but depending on where my head is it can also make me very sad and can make depression set in. The negative thinking and the dreaded feeling of doom take over. I know this trigger is stemming from the loss of my second child. It has taken a lot of self-work to understand, accept and work through the way this used to totally paralyze me. This is one trigger that I have been able to get a better grip on and be able to handle a little more rationally most times. Now don’t get me wrong, I do love babies and the thought of new life. What I am saying is that the pain and the fear that I used to experience for way too many years, I am able to better handle without letting it control me.
Another trigger for me is young soldiers or the talk of War. For other people triggers are completely different, for my fiance, loud noises can really be a trigger for him.
You may be asking, what happens for me when those triggers get a hold of me and my mind starts to spin? Well, this is where the words and thoughts get jumbled. I am trying to stay focused and continue to share, but I am feeling all over the place, so I hope this isn’t too much of a mess, but hey, if it is, welcome to a day in my head! 🙂 🙁
My mood changes in an instant, I can go from being in an okay mood to being completely unreasonable. My body can get very hot I can feel very flushed, I may start to shake. Irritability sets in and I completely lose patience. Sadly the mind can start to spin so quickly for me. I can say that in the past 10 years with time and with counseling and taking the time to really look inside myself I am getting better at recognizing when I am starting to spin. I still have times where my mind gets the best of me, today is one of those days. The negative thoughts set in the thoughts of self-harm set in and my head just really goes to a very dark place. Thankfully today I am able to keep the negative thoughts somewhat in control and the thoughts of self-harm haven’t crept in in quite a few months.
Before anyone starts getting too concerned about my state of mind let me reassure you, I am going to be ok. For today anyway, I know that. It is very difficult and scary trying to explain this to folks who aren’t familiar with the dark side of Emotional Illness. This brings me to the word that nobody likes to hear and nobody likes to talk about. Yep, that word is suicide. I’ve known people who have lost their struggle with PTSD and have taken their own lives. This is the last thing on earth I ever want to do. I have lots to live for, I have an amazing fiance and amazing friends, my children are pure joy for me. Even though I have all those positives in my life and things to look forward to, when my mind gets in that dark place it is very scary. I feel like I am losing control when the spinning gets so bad. One hand, when I’m in that state, I know how much pain taking my own life would bring to those people I care about. Knowing and having a better grip on that has been a huge factor in kept me alive this far I’m sure. On the other hand, those demons in my head just take over and all rational and sensible thoughts are quickly shot down and replaced by doom, the heaviness of the dark side is unbearable at times.
I can say now, that I am getting a better grasp on those demons but it is still scary knowing how strong those demons can be. I’m getting to a position now where I can recognize that I’m in that dark place and I’ll take precautions to keep myself safe. This is something that has taken many years to learn to accept and understand and hopefully with time those demons will start to have less control over my mind.
“The anger, the rage, the hurt and the cold loneliness that separates you from your family, friends and society’s normal, daily routine are so powerful that the option of destroying yourself is both real and attractive.”
Dallaire, after he was found collapsed in a public park following his retirement.
I know this has been a long read so far, if you are still reading, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means the world to me that you are taking the time to read about mental health issues that no one really likes to acknowledge or know how to acknowledge and understand. Although I can smile a lot of the days now, more so than I could in the past, let me tell ya, there are still days where I’m very dark inside. Hopelessness is a word that I used to use quite frequently. With the help of many psychologists over the years, and with paying better attention to who I am inside, and why I feel certain things, that hopelessness feeling occurs a lot less.
PTSD has robbed me of a lot of my memories. It has left a lot of gaps in my past and it also has affected my short-term memory. It is very difficult to stay focused on one task. Memory is quite important and when the short-term memory is affected because of the PTSD, it makes concentration very difficult.
It has only been in the last year that I have been able to say that I am actually having feelings. That may be kind of strange to hear. In the past, I thought I was feeling emotions, but in reality, I was just stuck in a constant state of feeling numb, not really able to recognize much of anything emotion wise. The more I learn about my mind I realize that in fact I was just numb and I really had no feeling at all. I wasn’t able to actually feel joy or actually feel sadness. I was just in a constant state of nothing. This is probably more of the depression making me this way, but that is something else I am still working on, having good and bad emotions and knowing how to deal with emotions.
I remember about a year ago I was in with my psychologist and I was very worried because things were going quite well in my life at that time. I had described my feelings to her and told her about what was going on in my life. I was getting more involved with the veterans support group I helped co-facilitate. I had reconnected with a wonderful man who was helping me to find life again. Yeppers, that man is my fiance! What I didn’t understand was that I was actually feeling happy, she explained to me that everything I was saying to her was happiness. What the heck do you mean this is a normal feeling?? Oh my gosh, what is going on! That really hit me hard because I was so worried that I was entering into a state of mania, I was not sure what this feeling was and it made me scared. So for her to say that I was simply being happy that scared the crap out of me. It meant I was actually starting to feel emotion again. You may think that that is a great thing and yes while I guess it was, and is a great thing, at the time it was really scary because it was so foreign to me. I was so used to having complete numbness and not really knowing any highs or lows that actually being happy made me scared.
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
Mahatma Gandhi
I know life living with me is not easy, my children have been through some very difficult times, they’ve seen me in some super depressed states. They’ve been at the brunt of me losing patience at the simplest of things. They’ve seen me lose my cool and overreact at things they have done. They’ve seen me cry over the littlest of things. I’m happy to say, even though it’s been hard on them, my children have also been able to see me own up to my actions. They’ve seen the look of complete paranoia and fear in my face. They’ve felt the awkwardness of not knowing what to do.
I’ve tried to educate my children at their level on what my PTSD is and how it affects my everyday life. It took me quite a few years to be comfortable to try and be open and educate my kids on something so raw and uncomfortable. For the longest time, I tried to hide everything. I tried to hide my PTSD, my depression, my anxiety attacks. These are taboo things in society and I certainly shouldn’t admit to my kids that I am not perfect!! LOL, because in my mind every other Mom out there was perfect and I was nothing like that in my head. I see myself differently most days now. I used to and hide my outbursts or cover them up some stupid ridiculous lie. It wasn’t until I decided to be open with them and share a little bit with them, that things in my head got a little better. When I was in the phase of trying to hide things from them it brought a lot of guilt to me. They felt that they were doing things wrong. They were feeling like they could never please me because I was always losing my patience. What they didn’t know and what I was hiding from them was the fact that I was super proud of them and my outbursts and my reactions were not a result of their actions. This was the result of me letting the vicious trio get the best of me.
The biggest thing I think I have learned so far about being a mom and being a partner with PTSD is communication is so important. With no communication, my kids, my partner and the people around me don’t understand where my head is at. When I am cranky or when I am irritable and I don’t tell them why it’s easy for them to assume it’s because of something they did. So slowly I’m learning to communicate and just simply say ‘ holy crap I’m having a day.’ This is kina my warning label for those around me!! Oh, oh, the vicious trio is taking over her… ughhhh .
I’ve learned to apologize for outbursts that may have been hard for them to see. I’ve learned to vocalize more when I’m having a struggle so that they know it’s not their actions that are making me upset or sad.
I feel like I’m starting to lose focus and am getting a little overwhelmed. I’m going to sign off for now. I hope this sheds a little bit of light on what it’s like living with PTSD.
I’m slowly becoming an open book as far as my journey with PTSD and the vicious trio, any questions you might have I would be happy to try and answer.
Thanks for taking the time to join me on this journey as I begin to share my PTSD struggles.
Future blogs will eventually explore more of the physical effects that PTSD has on me! Oh the joys, the restless legs at night, the migraines, the belly issues, the sore jaws, the lack of sleep, oh me oh my!!
Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others.
I find it ironic that this is the prompt today. This morning I am struggling with my head. I woke up feeling ready to start this week with a clear mind and a peaceful heart. As the morning went on life decided that it wants to challenge this powerful thought of mine. One silly little thing, a frustrated teen, and one simple second of my own cranky attitude kicked my head into a downward dive. I am doing all I can to get my head back to my first morning thoughts, and it ain’t easy. So, with my cranky attitude, I opened up my blog challenge to at least try and be productive even though I just want to crawl up in bed. That is where the irony sets in, here I am trying not to spin, and this challenge is making me think about times in my life that I felt anything but cranky!
Ok, here we go, I am going to share a few moments as I find it hard to just choose one over the others.
Bren 1995
Claudia and 1 1997
J and I 1999
M 2002
When I gave birth to my 4 children. The moment I heard those first cries, the moment I felt their soft tender skin on mine. That moment is pure satisfaction at its finest.
When I look at all the amazing people who have entered my life. I have been blessed with so many wonderful people. Many have remained in my life still to this day, others have joined my journey for only a short period, but still, have left a happy memory in my mind. It is a great feeling knowing that I have so many people to care about and that also care about me.
Having days with my fiancee when we are both doing good. For those that know us or have been reading my other blogs, you will know that my fiance and I both live with PTSD. This is challenge, to say the least. A challenge I would never give up, a challenge that makes us both better people. Yesterday was one of those days. We were both having a “good in our head” day. It was nice out and I went out for my first motorcycle ride of the season with him. The part that made me totally melt and feel awesome was when I walked outside and he had my favorite band, The Tragically Hip, ( RIP Gord Downie) playing on the bike. He looked at me and said, “it’s your time out this year, I wanted to play your favorite music!” That was the best I had felt in a long time, and I will cherish that moment of life forever! http://www.thehip.com/
“It’s your time out this year, I wanted to play your favorite music!”
My man
The moment when your child calls or texts you because they are having a crappy day! As a mom who has had a lot of down moments in life, I really question way too often if I’ve been a good mom despite all the not so good choices I may have made. That moment when you realize that your child is reaching out when they are down, although it hurts like heck because I can’t just jump through the phone or run out and FIX life for them, it makes so proud and satisfied. Knowing that in times of need they feel comfortable enough to reach out and just vent or hear my voice. That’s a great mom moment right there!
The final satisfying moment I will share is a message I received this morning. It helped get my day started with that powerful attitude I had when I first awoke, that attitude that somehow quickly slipped into crakiness. (This is part of the living with PTSD struggles I am starting to blog about in greater detail today!). I have been questioning all this blogging stuff I’ve started, I questioned why I bother trying to look after myself, I questioned if sharing all my dark days was really doing any good. When I received this message this morning, I stopped for a minute and thought about all the other messages, the likes and shares I have been getting since starting to share my stories on social media and I realized that if I only help one person get through a day or a moment, then YES it is definitely worth sharing. The messages from you folks are what keep me going and help me feel satisfied even when my mind wants to try to kick me down!
Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself, and look out for others!
If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?
With the million dollars, I am going to build a retreat. A retreat for those who suffer from mental illness. It will be a small retreat for maybe five to 10 people at a time. All the deets are in day 6! I will bring in yoga instructors, life coaches, top chefs, a massage therapist, counselors, nutrition coaches. It will be relaxing, on the water, a true escape from reality. Participants would be spoiled with healthy meals full of nourishing ingredients. Food with a purpose, not food to fill a void! It would be the calmest and refreshing place anybody has been.
Now, if that didn’t quite eat up the whole billion dollars, I would definitely look at helping provinces that do not yet have tiny Villages for homeless veterans. To me, it seems like such a simple concept.
It would save the government so much money. Little Villages that were designed to help veterans transition into civilian life, instead of finding themselves homeless, as many do.
They would have the opportunity to have one-on-one counseling to deal with any struggles. This would include things such as addictions counselors, life coaches, help with finding a job, basically just how to integrate back in society. There are so many veterans that fall by the wayside after a medical release. It just seems to me that the funds that the government puts out aren’t being spent most beneficially. I would like to have a Grassroots group formed that would build these tiny villages to help these veterans that otherwise have been left to fall.
The final thing I would love to be able to do it build an Alzheimer Village in Atlantic Canada. Similar to the one featured below. Alzheimer’s is so difficult on the family and these villages help not only people living with Alzheimer’s but also take a lot of stress off the family. They can feel comfortable knowing that their loved one is being well looked after and has a good life with daily activities and a normalized life in a safe environment!
As you can see, I could easily use 1 billion dollars to make all of this happen, but everything has to start with a dream! So dream big!!
In all honesty, as well, I would probably be a bit selfish too, and hopefully, check off a few things on my bucket list. See day 7 blog, if you already haven’t, and join me as I dream of my bucket list items!
One word answer, a Yoga instructor at my own Yoga retreat camp.
What a loaded question. There are so many different professions out there that have entered my mind as I stop to ponder this question.
Then I got thinking, I don’t really want a dream job. I feel that by having a job you’re still working for somebody else you’re still under somebody else’s control. My thinking may be a little bit too deep for this question, but, that is where my mind took me!
Ok, I will get back to the question!
If I could have a dream job anywhere, I would be a yoga instructor at a wellness retreat. Somewhere warm with lots of greenery and lots of peaceful people! I love the benefits of yoga and what it’s brought to my life. I should state that I’ve never been on a yoga retreat yet. (Bucket list item though) (( watch for my day 7 blog for more on that!! lol)) Ohhhhh the suspense I just created in you RIGHT!! lol, The ultimate recharge to get away for a week or ten days and find yourself at a retreat where you are pampered. To have no stress in the world and just focus on YOU! To be a part of helping someone have an affordable place to go to recharge the body, mind, and soul. A dream come true, to be able to continue helping people who are stressed and frazzled, those who really need that retreat. Sound like you? Lol, I’m sure many are shaking their heads saying, yes please!!
To be able to see the transformation as the days go on, to see the stress just fall away from these people. To bring a sort of rebirth, a transformation into a new person is how I picture my retreat.
Now, If I was to take that question just one step further I would actually design, and bring to reality, a retreat like that. I would do that retreat somewhere in Canada to start with. I would love to have it funded so that the everyday person who is struggling with some sort of mental illness would have the opportunity to take part. I want them to just get away and regroup, to really work on their own person, their own mind, to have some actual ME time for them.
So many of these Retreats that I see are so expensive and they’re really just out of reach for the average person. Not everyone has the financial ability to get away to a retreat like this. I would have a retreat that was reasonably easy to access for anybody who is looking for that type of recharge, which has funding available to help people to get there.
The retreat would include daily yoga sessions, massages, mindfulness training opportunities, personal coaches for nutrition, physical training, mental training, water sports, one on one counseling. There would be top notch healthy meals and snacks provided with the focus being on nourishing the body and mind.
Rolling right along with this challenge, and, for today anyway, lol, I am liking it! It gets me thinking about life and focusing on the goods, having thoughts that get me out of a rut. Gotta love that!
My children
Even though they are all grown up pretty well, my youngest is 16, my kiddos still bring me joy every day. The thoughts I have surrounding my children are just wonderful and they make my heart happy. My son is planning a wedding for next year, I’m hoping my middle daughter will be home for Easter, and my youngest just finished her course selections for her grade 12 year next year. I’m so happy to see what fine young adults they are turning into and it makes me happy thinking about their future, as well how well they have come along life despite all the bumps in the journey.
A freshly made bed
Nothing beats the feeling of crawling into bed at night with freshly washed sheets and a snug fitting comforter. As you pull the comforter down and slide your feet down the bed you can feel the sheets so soft and comfy just golf in your body. The smell of the clean sheets, just so calming and makes my heart smile. Nothing beats going to bed knowing that you have a fresh crisp clean bed to climb into.
Puppy Cuddles
Cuddles with my puppy. Now he’s only 5 lb, but so full of love and affection. He loves to play, loves to run and jump, he loves giving kisses, and he loves to torment. He’ll sit on my lap and snuggle up in a little ball and just sleep. He is so peaceful and he’s so scruffy and he just has so much personality that I just have to smile. The best part of my puppy that makes me the happiest crazy as it sounds when I try and do my yoga and he comes and jumps on top he’s like King of the castle and he can go anywhere and he does go anywhere he tries to sit on my head when I drive he climbs on my back when I’m doing the cat Cow and yoga when I’m trying to meditate he’ll bring his toy and curl up in my cross legs and just chill with me he’s a great little yoga buddy and he makes me happy.
Summer is on its way and that means that Delilah can come out of storage. Delilah. Who is that you ask? Well. let me tell you!! She is my 1974 Orange Volkswagen Westfalia Campmobile. My Orange Happy bus is what she is. I can be in the worst of moods and the minute I get behind the wheel and we start off down the road it turns that frown upside down and I just smile. People wave, people smile, people point, she just brings joy wherever we go.
It’s starting to be spring even though there’s still snow on the ground, and I am getting the urge to declutter. I pulled out three drawers from the bathroom the other day and my youngest daughter laughed at me. Normally she’s the one that’s on my case about getting rid of junk and decluttering. This time I did it all on my own with no prompting from her and she was shocked. lol, I just love when things are clean and neat and tidy and these three drawers were not. So as I went through the drawers I managed to keep myself focused and didn’t get too sidetracked! Can you relate? lol
All Tidy now
Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself, and look out for others!
Today’s topic is “My 5 Senses” So, I could be boring and simply report that yes indeed I have my 5 senses, Sight, Taste, Hearing, Smelling, and Feeling, but where is the fun in that? Join me now I as tackle this sensory journey! Hope it makes you smile, FEEL good about something today!
Today I have seen 2 seasons all in one day! Imagine that eh? That never happens!! LOL, I started off the day by seeing the dreaded white stuff on the ground again. Yeppers a fresh dusting of snow. With a big sigh, I went about my day longing for spring weather. Fast forward thru the day to right this minute, I just saw an amazing spring sight, for those who live in a fishing community you will understand. A fishing boat headed to the harbor! This is a sure sign of spring, what a lovely sight! I also see the darn laundry pile from yesterday that still hasn’t folded itself 🙁
Morning snow
Afternoon boat hauling!
The “Pile”
Well now, let me tell you something! My daughter and I just had another Burger Love Burger. If you aren’t from PEI, you may not get too excited about that!! BUT if you do know PEI, chances are you know what Burger Love is all about! If not, check out the button below I am sure my words won’t do this burger justice but here it goes. Everything on the burger was super fresh, the hamburger patty was delicious, the lettuce was crisp the tomatoes were juicy. The sauce is on it super tasty, with not a lot of spice, but tons of flavor. The deep fried pickle on top was as fresh & crispy as could be. Huge shout out the chef and staff at Our Family Traditions, Tignish PE.h Now that I am home and in a slight food coma, I am enjoying a coffee with CBD Sativa oil and Kiss my Keto, MCT powder creamer. Today is a Timothy’s decaf hazelnut kinda day! And yes, I do recycle all the coffee pods! I know its still a big waste and I am looking for alternatives for sure
As I type, I can hear my little pooch Bean, snoring as he rests on the bed beside me. Well he was snoring before I moved to grab this pic! We are keeping my daughter company as she rests following her surgery. Above his snoring, I am listening to the voices on a Netflix series, Lethal Weapon. Ahhhhhhh, and now the sound of the furnace kicking in on this cool spring day!
lil Bean!
The aroma of my diffuser! One of the best things I have ever purchased for myself! I love the scents of the store Saje, my favorite one so far is Unwind. I’m out of that one at the moment so today’s choice is from Aura Cacia, Peppermint oil! So clean and refreshing. The scent is very uplifting but yet calming also!
My diffuser
Blue light kinda mood
Feels, this is a tough one. The first thing that comes to mind is FULL. My belly is so darn full right now! That is a happy feeling I guess!! Full belly and I didn’t have to cook! Deeper then that, I am feeling lots of things, its what I do! I am happy to be able to be spending some great chill time with my pup and my girl! I am feeling a bit frustrated and overwhelmed trying to figure out all this blog stuff. Pain, I have a small ache in my lower back, telling me it’s time for some yoga stretching soon. I feel content in my heart thinking about all the great things I have been blessed with in this life. I feel good about so many things, and I try to keep those good things in the front of mind, although sometimes the PTSD and the anxiety take over and give me a total feeling of exhaustion. But for now as I prepare to sign off, the main feeling I have is joy, happiness, and a sense of accomplishment, for finishing this blog post well before bedtime today!! And I feel the cuddles of my lil Bean as he jumps onto my lap!!
What are your 5 senses doing for you right now?
Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others!
Today’s challenge brings me to look at my likes and my dislikes. This was really difficult to do! When it comes to really looking at me what I like and dislike, it’s a darn tough thing to write down! Once I got started it was kinda fun.
Comedies or documentaries. I like watching movies that make me laugh. I also like documentaries about health and about people and how things happen in other countries. I loved The Road Trick on Netflix!
Comfy hoodies. In my mind, nothing beats an oversized super soft comfy hoodie. Even in the summer months, I love the cool night when I can put on a huge hoodie. It gives me the feeling that a huge teddy bear has his arms wrapped around me.
Pepsi. Plain and simple. Ice cold can of Pepsi, it has to be a can or glass bottle, it doesn’t taste the same out of a plastic bottle.
The fall. I love seeing the changing colors of the leaves I love the cooler nights I love watching the sunsets in the fall I love walking through the woods and see all the colors. I love the warmth of the day and how it cools off just nice at night for bonfires and any other type of outdoor activity that might be available.
Peaceful people, when I say peaceful people the first people that come to my mind are yoga instructors. They always seem to have the calmest and the most relaxing or as to them. They just did exude peace and calmness. I don’t get me wrong it’s not just joking and structures that have that type of personality and give off that Vibe but when I think of peaceful people that’s the first people I think of. When I get worked up I try and train myself to look at how peaceful and how relaxing I can be even though my head is spinning I try to ground myself and bring that piece to me.
Vanilla bean lattes from Second Cup. I discovered these on our recent trip to the West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton and I fell in love.
Walks on the beach and feeling the warm sand in my toes. I love the sound of the Waves I love the sun glistening off the water I just loved the peacefulness and the No Stress feeling that comes with having your feet digging in the sand as you walk.
Tattoos yep I love being able to display people’s artistic abilities on this canvas ice call my skin. I love the fact that all of my tattoos represent something very meaningful to me. I love looking at other peoples tattoos and see the artistic ability that so many tattoo artists have and also hearing the stories surrounding what those tattoos mean to others.
It’s nearing lunchtime as I work on this list and today’s lunch is going to be bacon eggs and asparagus. This leads me to share the fact that I love bacon.
Homemade goodness!
Sticking with the food theme, I like to eat a ton of vegetables but I absolutely love a steak cooked just right and just right. For me the rarer the better! On the barbecue is the best.
Now onto my dislikes.
Horror movies. I can’t handle the fence are most horror movies. They got my heart racing, my mind gets going and it just messes with my head. I can’t sleep, I hear noises and it’s just not a good time.
Wearing a bra. My number to like was wearing comfy hoodies so to balance that like out I will say, I hate wearing a bra. I know I need to, lol, I just can’t find one that fits comfy. Guaranteed the first thing I do when I walk in the house after a day is a rip-off that darn bra.
Coke I can’t stand the taste of coke. Not out of a bottle or can, not fountains pop Coke either. Coke is just not my thing.
Spring messes. Now don’t get me wrong, I love everything that spring brings. I just dislike the messiness. I hate all the dirt on the roads. I hate all the garbage that comes in from all the lettering that’s been done over the winter. I hate the dirt. lol. I wish we could just go from Winter into one day of mess then have everything all switched over to summer.
Confrontation. Confrontation scares me with my anxiety going I can’t handle confrontation well. I will go out of my way to try and avoid confrontation. This isn’t really a good thing because I understand confrontation is a part of life and every day I’m working on trying to keep focused and trying not to let the fear of Confrontation get the best of me do paragraph 6. Espresso. I love a good coffee I love a latte every now and then but espresso is just way too much for me Kathy and gets me going and it’s just not fun. I love a little Cuts espresso comes and don’t get me wrong those are very cute but espresso but besides a little cop I really have no use for espresso just not my thing.
Crowded places. I get very claustrophobic my anxiety kicks in and I just don’t like crowds. Crowds of happy people are okay but in the malls, in the stores or anywhere where there are huge crowds of people it just is not my thing. Too many people, they get cranky, people just aren’t aware of other people around and I just don’t have time for crowded places.
I dislike people who judge especially people who judge those of us that have tattoos. Life is too short to be worried about what somebody else is doing so leave us alone if you don’t like the tattoos that’s fine but you can still be nice and you don’t need to judge.
Cooking bacon. Now I know I said I liked bacon. lol BUT I hate the greasy messy feeling that I get when I cook bacon on the stove. If I do have to cook it, I’ve started cooking it on a baking sheet in the oven. At least then I don’t have to worry about that slimy greasy feeling I get when I cook bacon on the stove.
And the opposite of my like for rare Steak. I strongly strongly strongly dislike liver. I remember back my nanny would always cook liver and onions and it just made my stomach turn I would try it and it made me feel like I was chewing on a piece of old smelly stinky disgusting leather and still to this day I can’t stand the taste of liver.
Thanks all for joining me on day 3 of this blog and learning a little bit more about me. Once again I’d love to hear some of your likes and dislikes. Comment on this post drop me a message on Instagram or Facebook and let me know some of your likes and dislikes.
Until next time my friends be kind to yourself and look out for others. XO
Today’s topic is something that has really been entering my mind in the past little while. Life, as I knew, is changing, and changing fast! We are starting to look at the empty nest years in the next few years. With that realization comes a lot of mixed emotions! I love how the challenge today helps me focus on the best of things yet to co
The first and foremost thing I want to have in 10 year?
Memories and pictures and stories to tell from my upcoming wedding! lol
My youngest is 16 and will be going into her final year of high school next year. This leaves my fiance’s daughter who has a few more years left of high school and then our kids are all grown up. So what happens then? The Empty Nest sets in!! Ahhhhhhhh!!
It's kind of exciting to think about but it's also really freaking scary.
PEI animals 🙂
Winter in West Cape PE
I know one thing for certain, I won’t be living in Atlantic Canada. As beautiful as it is, and trust me, it is beautiful! My time here is definitely coming to an end and it’s time to move on. I’ve never been one who likes to stay stationary for too long. Having been living on this island now for about five years, it’s really time to move on.
Looking forward 10 years, WOW, on one hand, that’s a long time, but in reality, time is flying by.
I’m hoping in 10 years time I will be a grandmother, although at this point in time none of my children seem too interested in having kids. That is ok for sure, they are all living their lives to the fullest each day! Fingers crossed that maybe in time that will change. Even if it doesn’t I will be a happy furbaby gramma I’m sure!
I also hope to be in western Canada, somewhat settled with a summer Residence in BC somewhere, and a Winter residence wherever the bare roads take us. Preferably somewhere with warm winters! I hope to be able to spend the winters somewhere. With that, we hope to purchase a motor home in the next 3 to 5 years.
I hope to have traveled to many many new places that I have yet to see. I have quite a list of places still to visit; Australia, I’d like to see Cambodia, maybe New Zealand. I’d like to do some type of South Africa trip and well, any of the places that I’ve only seen in pictures so far.
I hope to be continuing on this journey of mine, seeking out what brings me peace and what really makes me happy.
Looking ahead at the next chapter of those next 10 years, there’s so many mixed emotions, so many memories of days gone by when the kids were younger. Ya know, sometimes I think how simple life was in the past. The next minute I ‘m getting excited about the opportunities that still lie ahead for this new chapter.
It’s really a transition stage I think in life, the next five years anyway, while we continue navigating this road of parenting teen girls. I’m sure if any of you have teen girls you will understand the challenges of also huge joys. You know it, day-to-day excitement and the odd dramatic outburst.. lol, that comes with teenage girls.
It’s also really exciting having the opportunity to look forward to these next 10 years. We strive to live those next 10 years as if the next day is never guaranteed because, in all reality, tomorrow is never a guarantee. So it’s trying to live in the moment, trying to enjoy what you have right in front of you, but also still trying to balance that with a plan of where will I be in 10 years.
The question is, “Am I going to take control of where I want to be or am I just going to sit back and this journey takes me wherever?”
Either way isn’t really bad I guess, as long as that journey is taking me to places that bring me happiness and peace.
Am I going to take control of where I want to be or am I just going to sit back and this journey takes me wherever?
Something else that I hope to be successful in the next 10 years is continuing my outreach and advocacy for veterans. More specifically, veterans with mental health issues. I hope to still be involved with the nonprofit peer support group, Brave and broken, that I’m involved with here on PEI. I would be wonderful if we can grow that peer support network to reach many other provinces and states. Basically, be able to reach out to veterans that are having a rough go. Be that listening ear, that voice of encouragement that they might need to get through the day. I really hope I can continue on with that, while still balancing my own head. It is a passion of mine and I look forward to seeing what will come in the next 10 years as I keep moving forward unless I keep exploring myself. Summarize things this is what life will look like in 10 years if I had the ultimate ability to write that next chapter point-by-point.
A. I will be living in a small but welcoming little house somewhere in western Canada.
B. I will hopefully have all of our children living relatively close to us however I know I can’t control that but hey if I had the opportunity to write it I would have all six of our children living within a couple hours drive to where we are.
C We will have purchased our motorhome and we will have figured out all the quirks and all the tricks of living on the road for six months out of the year.
D. I will have checked off a few places at least from my bucket list of places to visit those being Cambodia, New Zealand, Australia, Newfoundland, Saskatchewan, somewhere in South Africa.
E. I will be continuing on my journey to living a life that truly brings me joy I hope in 10 years time I will have a bit more confidence I will have a better grasp on what it means to live with PTSD and anxiety and also I will have gathered many more Tools in my toolbox and many more wonderful days living with my who will then be husband who also has PTSD.
F. I think the final thing I can include on this list is that my fiance and I will have had the opportunity over the next 10 years to reach out and meet veterans from all across the country and the United States as well and help out those in need. We are both veterans living with mental health issues and we know there so many veterans out there in the world that are struggling and are alone. We are very fortunate to have each other to help us on the bad days and to share the laughter on the good days. We hope to be able to take our traveling home and visit from town to town and hopefully reach out and meet some fantastic people. Hopefully, put a smile on somebody’s face for that day at least.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others, xo.