This is such a broad prompt, lol but I guess they all are really! Anyways, I miss a lot of things, I will share a few!
My kiddies living close to me!
The feeling of holding my babies in my arms!
The innocence of childhood.
My friends and family who have left this world before me.
My friends and family who live far from me.
The feeling of hot sand between my toes, and the warmth of the sun shining down on me
The taste of baby aspirins, lol you know, the light pink ones that tasted like candy!! LOL ( I should add my daughter and I were just talking about how awful some pills can taste! She is 4 weeks post surgery and has been having to take meds for about the past 6 weeks!) That is why that is on my mind!
So, there are a few!
Share something you miss!!
Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo
Well well well, we are nearing the end of this 30 day Challenge! It has been alot of fun, and I truly hope you have enjoyed learning more about the gal behind the journey!
I am excited to be getting back to focusing on my journey through life with PTSD and sharing my emotional health journey in greater detail! I am working on a 5 week mini series blog on ” Really understanding and accepting what makes YOU, who you are!” It is just a fun little series of 5 different ways to better look at who we really are emotionally. I explore some ways I found to help better understand and accept that emotions are ok and we shouldn’t be trying to hide that! Of course remembering that I am NOT A PROFESSIONAL, I am a middle aged gal sharing my journey!
But for now back to today’s prompt:
If you could have dinner with anyone in History who would it be?
Let me share some of my favorite quotes from this person and see if you can guess!!
If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there’d be peace.
We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.
Any ideas yet???….
You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one.
The more real you get, the more unreal the world gets.
If you could live anywhere in the world where and why.
Welcome everybody. It is hard to believe there is only 9 days left in this challenge. I have to say it again I’m super proud of myself that I’ve made it to this heart and this 30-day challenge I was only late one day with a post and I’m pretty content with that.
The neat thing I’m finding about these prompts now is I’m exploring. I’m learning new things and it’s exciting to share.
We all have those dreams we all have those visions of the perfect spot to live it’s different for everyone I’m sure. For me my mind always goes to blue water sunshine and sand. My dream home location would be and Island somewhere warm somewhere that’s the people are dumb and peaceful and enjoy what life brings them each day. I like the idea of an island being surrounded by water I find the water very peaceful. I’m fortunate to live on an island now, but I have red sand, not so blue water and Snow! lol
Palacio de la magdalena, santander, spain
I decided my morning coffee date with Google this morning would be spent looking for isolated Islands that could potentially be my home. LOL one day.
I came across this one article about this island that is extremely isolated and has a population of only about 62 people right now.
I think perhaps that might be a little bit too isolated for me but it was a really interesting read. Check it out here.
Now I don’t think I want to be on an island that is quite that isolated and requires quite so much Logistics to get to but I would certainly be down for a visit.
So where would you be if you could live anywhere?
Until next time my friends be kind to yourself and look out for others. XO
I’m very happy being me, although sometimes I’d love to be a bird so that I could fly.
Joy Fielding
Hard to believe my amazing friends, were at day 20 of this 30-day Journey already. If you haven’t taken the time to check out the 19 days prior, please do! You can click here for those links!
Today’s prompt is: If you could be an animal what animal would you be, and why?
This one was really fun for me. I’ve always told my kids that in my next life I’m going to come back as a bird. And they laugh at me which is okay because they laugh at me for many reasons so it’s all cool.
I like the idea of taking off like a bird. Read more at:
But in all honesty, think about it! A bird, free to fly wherever you want. No worries of spring cleaning, no need to worry about downsizing no need to worry about how to declutter. Like a bird, you just worry about you. No baggage no luggage no strings no attachments, once the wee ones leave the nest! lol. Just pure freedom. I would still like to have my family and some type of closeness, birds have emotions and feelings, they just do it differently than humans.
“I’m like a bird, I only fly away. I don’t know where my soul is. I don’t know where my home is.”
Nelly Furtado
I love the thought of being able to soar so high up into the clouds just being free. The ability to swoop down and fly right above the water. The ability basically to fly anywhere you want. To grab a wire have a seat enjoy the view, when you get tired of that view, flap your wings and soar.
I think of peace when I think of birds, BUT, I would have some fun with being a Bird too. You know, find those people that are scared of birds and of course have a little bit of fun with them. Maybe even have a poop or two on someone being not nice! LOL I know two wrongs don’t make a right!! LOL, but when ya gotta go ya gotta go!!
For now, though, I will continue living this awesome life I have right now and being free as a bird in my thoughts and always think of this quote!
I’m like a bird on a wire!
“Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.”
Victor Hugo
Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo
Welcome back my friends! I am sorry that this is being post being posted one day late- Yesterday was one of those flippin days! Check out my podcast about ‘those flippin days” Yesterday was a day that wore my mind right down!
Today is a new day, so lets shake that crap off from yesterday and carry on!! lol Right?
The prompt for yesterday was to right about a typical day in my life…. LOL well
There really is no typical day, the days around here go according to where my mind happens to be.
On a good day I start around 7-730am and get my work out in. Then I will get mu girl off to school. Then its home to do something!! LOL perhaps housework, blog work, doing some sort of email or research for Brave & Broken, a Veteran support group I am involved with. Perhaps there is a dr appt for either me or my fiancee. A walk with the dog.
Now, if its a bad head/mind day, most of the day is spent in bed or doing small little things around the house. I hate the bad days and luckily they happen less and less each month. But still self care needs to be top on my list or else I slip into dark places that are not good.
Supper is usually around 5, after I have watched Ellen 😉 I make supper or my fiancee and me or my daughter and me make supper, OR if its a really great day my fiancee cooks for us!! I love those days!! He loves to BBQ 🙂
I like to do yoga around 9-10 before bed time!
Ugg, this post was probably my least favorite. IF this is the first post you have checked out on my site, PLEASE give me another chance, lol check out a few more, not all are as drab as this one!! LOL
You are all amazing my friends!!
Until next time be kind to yourself and look out for others.
I had never really given much thought to LOVE LANGUAGE- in all.honesty I didn’t realize it is really a thing! However thanks to my coffee date this morning with good ol Google I discovered this! There are actually five languages of love! Yup 5! A bunvh of books about it, and of course a multitude of websites thst explore it furthet as well. oh and of course the online quiz to help you determine what your Love Language is. lol
So before I take the test, I will share what I think my love language is, based on the definitions found here. You can read more about the 5 languages at that link also.
For now, this is what I think for me!Acts of service and quality time are the two that really stick out for me! I feel that for me the doing and spending quality time together, really melt my heart. I think for me this is really what speaks to my heart.This is kind of fun in a sense! It really gets you thinking about what makes you feel loved. I am really thinking that more people need to look at these as a couple or even if you are single. It really helps you realize what love is to you. So often we try so hard in relationships, but we are speaking different love languages, and frustration can set in.
So now then, Im going to go take that quiz and see what it says!! lol grab a coffee and you do it too!!
Today’s prompt was a lot of fun and was really super easy to write! If only I could turn back time!
List 10 things you would tell your 14-year-old self, if you could.
You are wonderful, and I am proud of you each and every day! I feel that at 14 it is so tough on kids these days! I know you may feel like you are not doing good some days. I want you to know that every single day I am so proud of you! Even on the days when you make choices I, as your mamma, may not like, I am still proud of you! Proud that you are learning to make choices on your own, and learning from the way these choices make you think and feel. It is so great that you are realizing right from wrong, good to better, and learning to think about the outcomes of the choices you make! This makes me super proud!
Don’t Compare yourself to others! That is just cruel to yourself! Compare yourself to only who you were yesterday! Look at what made you happy, what made you sad, what angered you and try each day to be better than the day before! You are great just as you are.
Be proud of who is in that mirror!
Don’t stress over your body! This is similar to # 2, I know, I can see you rolling your eyes at me! LOL You are good at that, aren’t you, my little mini-me! I want you to embrace every feature of your body! You are totally unique in your body! You have something that NOONE else has and that is something you should be super proud of! It doesn’t matter what all your friends look like. You are better then any photoshopped gal or guy you may be thinking of! Social media, TV, etc, want you to doubt who you are, to not be happy with your body! I am telling you, THAT IS NOT REALITY! You are reality, you are awesome!
I love you each and every day! When you think I am being overprotective and being ‘that friggne awful mom’ I am doing that because I care and because I love you! I want you to know that every minute of every dayLife may seem like it really sucks right now, trust me love, it will get better I promise! In 10 years you will see how these crappy times you may have are going to help you grow and mature into a confident and kick ass young adult!
You are going to fall in love, and you are going to get hurt. This is just a part of life and part of what I explained in point 5. These moments of happiness and love will help you feel and help you explore emotions and how to handle these emotions! The heartbreak and downside of falling into, what you may call love, will hurt like hell, trust me that hurt will help you grow and help you determine what really makes you happy. These highs and lows will help you to better understand what you truly deserve out of a relationship, it will help you to not just settle for someone that doesn’t make you truly happy.
Yes, honey, I know you probably won’t ever need to know how the letters and numbers in algebra. The intense crazy language of Chemistry or physics may not be something you will ever use again! Please try to understand that these classes that may seem sooooooo stupid right now and have you stressed to the max are all teaching you about HOW you learn! Yeah, yeah, yeah I get it, it sucks, but honestly hun the best thing about these classes that you dislike is this – they are teaching you about how you learn, how to have determination, persistence and how to communicate! Trust me, love, hate these homework fights just as much as you!
I want you to know that no matter what choices you may make, I am always here to support you. I don’t ever want you feeling scared to talk to me about things. You are going to make choices that make you feel like crap, ashamed and may even get you feeling like an awful person! I am here to help you work through those choices, and help you to sort out how you can make changes in your thought process so you can hopefully make better choices. I will not yell or scream, I may tell you I am disappointed or that I feel bad that you are going through this tough time, but you have a safe place with me ALWAYS to work through this thing called life. ALWAYS! AND my love, I want you to be proud and share with me all the times you feel proud of the choices you make that make you feel good!! I know you will have many of those moments too!
I am human, I will make mistakes and I will do things that I am not proud of. I will do my best to own my mistakes, my not so good choices and offer my apologies when I do. I will lose my cool and overreact from time to time, I will not be proud when I do this. I want you to feel confident enough to respectfully, tell me I am being unreasonable or not understanding. I want you to feel ok let me know if I am being unreasonable, and allow us to talk about it.
Learn to be still and feel your emotions
The biggest thing I want you to know is this! It is ok to have emotions. It is ok to cry, to feel sad, to feel pain, to feel joy and excitement! Some days you may feel like you just need to cry, that is ok. Cry, let that emotion out! Don’t ever feel ashamed for your emotions. I want you to be able to learn to sit with your emotions and not try to hide them. Emotions are healthy. The more you can learn to really feel your emotions and learn to listen to your emotions the better your head will feel. Emotions can seem scary sometimes, that is ok, in time you will learn how to work with your emotions. So cry if you need to, laugh when you want to and never be ashamed of any emotion you may have, and trust me, as a female, AND as a girl of my genes, you are gonna experience lots of emotions! I am here with you always and forever my girl, you are amazing!
Thanks again my friends for sharing your time with me! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed putting this together! If you could give your 14 year old self some words, what would they be?
Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself, and look out for others! xo
Today I vlogged again!! lol is that even a word? Who knows.. well it is now. My thoughts for the day, sharing my mind and encouraging you while pushing myself💔💕↘️⬇️ OHHH that face of mine! Most definitely need to work on the facial expressions as I start these videos!! Oh well, laugh along with me and push the darn play button to get rid of that look!!! xoxo
Until next time my friends be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo
Well, I seem to have a lot of fears now that I stopped to think about it. They use word legitimate in the prompt- Like what the heck, who are they to say what is legitimate or not!! LOL. Anyways, rant over, here are my fears, and YES they are all legitimate to me!! The first 2 are pretty generic, the third is raw and is me. It deals with death.
I know they are useful. I know that help with the mosquitoes and other little creepies- they still scare me to tears. I know many will say this is not a legitimate fear – it’s silly to fear such a tiny little thing. All I can think of is my long hair and one of them flying little jeezers flying at me AND it getting tangled in my hair. What would I do then I’d be a mess. I’d be freaking and running and screaming and crying at the wait on my arms it would just be a scene. And that will just make you look even more stuck in my hair I remember we were camping at a cottage in Nova Scotia nearest back and I woke in the morning and we were getting ready to go and something was flying around inside the cabin. Deep down inside I knew it was a bat but I kept telling myself it was just a bird. I made my husband up the time pack everything up as I could soon to myself saying the blankets and would not move until he was packed and I could sneak out still wrapped in the blankets into the car. Yes, that’s a bit extreme but I was petrified. Anyways I survived that made it to the car safe and sound. There are many instances where I am scared. My kids get a great kick out of it, literally, we can be sitting around a campfire and if a bat comes by I will either go back inside or if I’m too scared to do that, I hope to have a hoodie on and I tie that hoodie so tight around my head. There’s no way that bat can get to my hair and I sit there in tears until I can get to a safe place. And of course, this makes them laugh even harder got to love the support of my children.
Hiding from bats?
I know many people love them. I am not one of those people. I don’t care if they’re big or small, white, brown, green, black, purple, a gummy snake, ok well maybe not gummy snakes! I don’t care what color the snake is, a snake is a snake. It needs to stay at least a good fifty feet away from me. Which is kind of odd because I’m a country girl that hates city living. This means that I quite often will encounter little garden snakes. Anybody in the vicinity of me will know but I have seen a snake because I squeal like a baby and I freaked out and run.
Fear of my children dying
I know that everybody dies at some point in time. I think this fear comes from the fact I’ve already had to bury one of my children. (You can read Claudia’s story here) It’s a struggle every day to not let this fear completely control me. I have been a super protective mom and it’s just been the last little while I’ve been able to get a little better grasp on this fear. Now, don’t get me wrong, the fear is still there. I still get an ache in my heart – my gut just aches from time to time. It really is a crazy thing to fear but it is my fear. My children are getting older my youngest is 16 and it really does take a lot of time and energy to keep the fear at bay. To keep my mind from wandering to the doom and gloom, to just accept life. Even just writing this I am feeling very uneasy. I know that my kids are smart. I’ve raised them well and I really can’t let this fear control me. I think perhaps being an empath comes into play with this fear as well. My heart aches when I hear of parents losing a child. I can relate to that pain they are experiencing. I guess that is where the fear kind of comes in. I know the pain, it scares the crap out of me. This past weekend here in PEI we learned of a young child and his father, losing their lives in a tragic accident. It has really pulled at my heartstrings and my heart goes out to the family. I also need to mention the families in Miramichi, who lost their children this weekend in an awful accident. Four teenagers lost their lives in a vehicle accident, the same age as youngest daughter. These families are living my worst fear.
It really makes us stop and look at life, it can be over in an instant. So despite my fears, and your own fears too, as big or as small as they may be, it is important to focus on having a realistic mind when dealing with our fears. Let us not be afraid to live while we are still able too!
Sorry for totally changing the mood of this post, I could have kept it light and silly, but my heart is not there right now. This blog is about me, me being raw, real, and not sugarcoating things. I say it like it is, sharing the raw, real me, on this blog -that seems to be what people like!
Please take care of yourself, don’t let your fears run your life. Do what makes you smile, do what makes you happy. Do whatever it takes, day after day, to learn to keep whatever you fear from controlling your days.