Banff Day 1

After a yummy breakfast, and a wonderful sleep after a long day of flying we are off to Banff via Gasoline Alley. We must stop and try what my son described as the world’s best milkshakes! The drive was full of lots of laughs, lots of catching up, lots of me realizing how much I love the West.

Made it to Peter’s Drive-In in Gasoline Alley to find a massive selection of Milkshakes! Perhaps 25-30 listed!! Oh my.. Decisions decisions!!! Oreo coconut was my son’s choice, he just had to throw the Oreo in so his girlfriend couldn’t steal any because she’s Celiac LOL. Lorena opted for the cocoa mocha, Maddi went with a peach milkshake, which had real peaches in it, I went for the Pina Colada. I figured if I can’t be down somewhere warm I may as well have a pina colada and pretend I am. It was amazing, by far the best milkshakes we have ever had. We also ordered a huge bag of fries. Top Notch fries that were hands-down the best fries ever. With full bellies, we made our way Westward again headed towards Banff.

My first glimpse of the mountains far off in the distance just brought me so much peace. It was such a beautiful sight the pictures just don’t do justice. Trust me, it was lovely beyond words. Shortly after entering Banff National Park we spotted a few elk along the way but didn’t stop for pictures.
We made our way to the hotel we were staying at, The Banff Ptarmigan Inn. Super easy to find on the main drag.
I went to check us in and was met by a very polite, friendly and welcoming young gentleman by the name of Jessia. The hotel at first glimpse is just like the website had shown. I was very very happy.

After parking in the underground Parkade, which has a low clearance, but still tall enough for full-size trucks, we made our way to our room. lol

First thing was to collapse onto one of the queen-sized beds, super comfy!! Room was nicely decorated. The beds were amazing and the pillows were like heaven. It is super great for pets, we had planned on taking my grandpup Bailey, but ended up not taking her last minute. The room was ready for Bailey with a pet bed, dog dish and dog treat in the room when we arrived. The one thing we weren’t aware of ahead of time was the option to have a dog walker/sitter come and spend time with Bailey while we’re out. There is a great brochure int the room with all the details but we did not know this ahead of time!

After relaxing for a bit we hopped on the bus down to the Banff Gondola. The hotel provides free passes for the public transit, it was super easy to use and the bus stop is right in front of the hotel!

Be sure to check out the next blog! Banff Gondola! It will be under the This n that tab once again! You won’t want to miss some amazing pictures showing the true beauty of this part of western Canada.

Until next time my friends be kind to yourself and look out for others.

One of those ‘Flippin’ Days

Do you ever have one of those days where you just can’t get it right, you have no desire to do anything but know you can’t possibly stay in the house any longer, one of those flipping days? My head was spinning, I couldn’t focus on any one thing. Well, I had that day, many times in fact.

Uggg this day!!

On this specific day I knew I had to force myself out or my head would just take over and It would not be good for me or anyone who happened to cross my path. So somehow I pushed myself out, did my yoga, get my girl off to school, off I go to the gym, my ‘go to place’. In the midst of this, I get a notification for a doctors appt, in 10 mins time, well great, my doctor is 35 mins away, so that isn’t going to work. Ugggg just yet another thing to make me think this is really one of those flipping days. But I must carry on, so I did! I did carry on, but in my head, I was beating myself for being so darn stupid and missing my doctor’s appt, I felt like a failure for that simple thing. Yep, that’s what I do.

But like we say life goes on right? LOL Gym workout went fairly well I didn’t have a top-notch run, but I did a personal best for me today because I got there and got through it. I found some shows on Netflix earlier in the morning that I downloaded and figured they might help get me through a 45-minute run. Well, guess what? Yes indeed, I did just that I watched an episode of some weight loss inspiration type show and it got me through the 45-minute run. Then from somewhere deep inside me, I decided I’m going to try something different so I moseyed over to the rower which I don’t normally use because it takes a lot of work takes a lot of energy. I know right, imagine, something at the gym requiring energy! LOL As I prepared to do maybe 10, maybe 15 minutes on the rower I decided to look for some type of podcast to get me some more motivation or some kind of interesting thing to keep my mind going so I can finish this and then head home.
I typed in motivation in the search engine on Spotify and came across a fantastic podcast because I struggling to stay motivated, to say the least. I chose a 13-minute podcast (Winter Motivation from Coach Marie) on winter motivation! Perfect, just what I was looking for so, I press play and immediately thought this would be okay. I can get through this and then within the next couple of minutes I found my face starting to smile, I found myself chuckling because this is just what I was looking for. It was short and sweet but really for me, it packed a punch. The messages she’s was sharing and how she talked about the difference between motivation and inspiration is when I sort of had my “aha” moment. I was able to shift my thinking a little bit and kind of refocus on my day. When I look at how my focus was so negative and all over the place starting the day, it was great how the first part of this episode made me shift.

I was getting ready to finish and I don’t really know what happened with my phone, the podcast ended and a song started playing and I had a huge chuckle and almost had some tears in my eyes. The song that came on and started playing after the podcast was James Blunt, You’re Beautiful. How freaking ironic is that I’m down in the dumps trying to find my way and get some motivation and Inspiration, simply to make it a productive day, make it a good day. Trying to stop those racing thoughts not let those negative voices rule my day. I’m huge James Blunt fan and I absolutely love that song. For me, it reinforced this thought ” you know what girl, you have a lot to offer, you have a great attitude ( sometimes! LOL) and even though you’ve got these negative little voices beating at you from time to time, telling you that you will fail, telling you it’s useless for you to try things, telling you-you suck as a mom. I’m sure many can relate with many of those things that in your own lives. That song just took everything negative out of me at that moment. So even though the day started off pretty negative and I didn’t know how it was going to go, I knew that I had to get these things out of my mind. So for all of you out there having one of those flippin days, I hope reading this might help motivate you. It might give you the inspiration you need to go and search a little more. Just go and do that thing that you’ve been putting off.
I thank you all once again for sharing my days with me. I encourage you to send me some feedback, I encourage you to reach out, I’d love to hear from you and how you’re doing, what keeps you going?
Sometimes these blogs are all that people can manage in a day because the outside world is just too much. I really feel the more we share the more we get these things out there the better we can help ourselves and help others.

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others xo

What’s in a name?

While brainstorming and trying to decide on a catchy blog name, I spent many a day scratching my head. I wanted something that would be simple and easy to remember for folks but also serve a purpose.

My blog is centered around my journey called life, more specifically, my journey to Emotional Peace. Living with Mental Health issues and how that struggle has looked for me. Sharing stories around Mental Health, in my opinion, is a great help for myself and also for others living with Mental Health issues. Breaking the stigma on these issues will only happen if we stop hiding.
I wanted a catch phrase that I felt would really hit home for many. Life is crazy hectic these days for lots of folks. Running here, running there, our minds are constantly on the go, trying to get done a million and one things. Going on day after day like this gets draining, physically and mentally.
How often do folks really just stop for a minute and take a breath, stop for just a second and focus on themselves? Not nearly enough would be a common response from many people. I was, and well heck, still am that person from time to time. What I am discovering though is the great feeling that one can get when they just pause for a moment or two and then continue. That phrase stuck with me, I played with words for a while and settled finally on
Pause, two, three, Now Continue.
Jen’s Journey to Emotional Health (or peace)
It’s short, kinda catchy and fairly easy to stick it in your mind and use that little phrase when you are feeling like the world is too much.

So, what does Pause…two…three… Now Continue, really mean though?
Well, that is where you come in. You decide how you will pause in life. Does it simply mean just to stop whatever it is you are doing and simply breath a few breaths and say this is ok, you got this? Whatever this is. Or for you does it mean something different. The phrase itself, I hope, will be enough to remind you to put yourself first, even if only for a moment. Take that pause to recharge, regroup and get yourself grounded, then you can continue you on your day.
Thank you so much for joining on my journey with me, and for pausing for a moment to do something for you!

I encourage you all to leave a comment on what you will do when you Pause…two…three? Your comments may help others who are stuck at how to just pause!

Until next time my friends, be gentle to yourself and look out for others. xo

Self Care, do you do it?

Self-care is something that I never really paid much attention to up until the last 10 years. I don’t recall the term self-care ever really being a part of my life growing up, perhaps it was but it didn’t really stick with me if it was. Everybody always seems so busy and their life the day-to-day stuff speeding from minute to minute always-on-the-go, always having something to do and as you’re doing it chances are your mind is already thinking about the next 10 things that you also want to get done today, or what you didn’t finish yesterday or the fact that you have 10 things that need to be done and you’re only one person but somehow by the end of the day you have got to get all of those 10 things done. The words need, want and must are really misused by all of us. It’s far too easy for us all to set unrealistic overblown expectations for ourselves each day. This becomes dangerous over time. Our mind gets overwhelmed, our bodies get tired. We don’t take the time to eat properly we don’t exercise we don’t take the time to just sit and be still with our thoughts. In the past month or so I’ve really taken to yoga just at home I’m not you know I’m not a fantastic yogi, I don’t do all the crazy old moves but what I did commit myself to was every morning waking up and starting the day with some yoga. This gives me some time for just me and my thoughts and a great Youtube yoga instructor.

Now I know what you’re thinking, yoga isn’t your thing, that’s totally okay, I’m not here to tell you what you need to do. However, it is amazing how beneficial just spending a few moments a day on yourself really are. It gives you that chance to recharge it gives you that chance to just stop your mind for a few minutes and just have some peace and solitude and to not worry about those to-do lists. We all have our own lists, they’re all different but they all affect our Mental Health in the same way. Self-care can be as simple as having a cup of coffee and just sitting down and you know people watching going to the park going to the library may be in spending you know 10 minutes looking for a new book or even just reading the newspaper in the library taking a stroll It is far too easy for us all to put unrealistic overblown expectations for ourselves each day. This can become dangerous over time our mind gets tired our bodies get tired, we don’t take the time to eat properly, we don’t exercise as we should, we don’t take the time to just sit and be still with our thoughts.

It’s amazing how beneficial just spending a few moments at the start of each day to simply focus on yourself can be. It gives you that chance to recharge, to just stop your mind for a few minutes and have some peace and solitude. To not worry about your to-do list or the to-do list you didn’t get done yesterday. The fact is that you know you have deadlines that you need to be met. It may be kids that need things from you or you have a spouse or really anything that may be on your list. You have to take a moment and really decide what tasks must be a priority. We all have to decide and prioritize and put yourself first. Our tasks are our own, they’re all different from everyone else, but they all affect our mental health in the same way. Self-care can be as simple as having a cup of coffee and just sitting down, maybe you people watch at the park for a few minutes, maybe for you it’s going to the library, or maybe painting a short 10 minutes looking for a new book or even just reading the newspaper, taking a stroll, having a bath, even just sitting quietly and your car for a few minutes before you rushing to that meeting or before your kids come from school or you going to your appointment or whatever it is you’re doing, just take a moment and just close your eyes and say, okay this moment right now is for me, right now I am taking a moment to just be still, to just be quiet and let my mind rest for a moment.
I do understand that it’s probably a lot easier said than done. A lot of people have crazy hectic days that are busy enough, and you may think, how in the heck are you going to find time to just take a moment for yourself. How dare you do that when you have all these other people depending on you.
You do it because Self Care is what will keep you going.
Sometimes we feel like it’s self-centered, selfish behavior to take that few minutes of time and just be with ourselves and just take a moment to catch our breath. I mean really catch your breath and just put the tasks of the day aside for a moment, breathe in the air and just feel.
We all rushed through the day going from task to task and not really aware of our surroundings, not really aware of our own bodies, maybe you might be so busy and you wake up and you rush to start your day, you carry on your way and before you know it, you realize its lunch time or mid-afternoon you haven’t even eaten yet. It’s important that we eat it’s important that we drink water, it’s important that we nourish our bodies and give our bodies what they need so that we can work to the extent that we push our bodies. It seems like such a silly thing but it’s amazing how much better your body is can perform if you give it the energy and the care it really does need.

Self-care really should be looked at the same as we care for our vehicles and we care for our pets are we care for our kids. We take our vehicle in for maintenance we take it in for checkups, well, it’s important to do the same for yourself. Now I don’t just mean doctor visits, I mean really taking a few moments each day and check up on yourself. See what’s not feeling right, what doesn’t seem to be working right in your body. What do you need to fix that? What are you lacking in your day-to-day routine? Maybe all you’re lacking is just a couple of minutes for yourself, to say ‘hey, it’s okay if I just sit here for a moment and just be.’ Just pause for a moment. It’s so important to understand that it is okay in our day to put ourselves first from time to time because if we don’t, it makes it very very difficult for us to be there to meet all those needs that we have in our life.

This is a really difficult concept for some people to understand. For some people to even begin to think about it can scare people. To just think about sitting and being with your thoughts, I think a lot of times our minds purposely keep ourselves busy to the point of exhaustion, simply to keep some dark thoughts, bad memories or some situations that we just don’t want to creep out to the forefront of our mind. We worry that if we do stop for a moment and just let our mind settle that maybe those thoughts might, you know creep out, and that’s scary for some people.
I respect that, and I can appreciate that it is a difficult thing to try and balance. How do you take that moment to just sit and be okay and not let those bad thoughts take over your mind, not let them take control? For each person it is different, maybe it’s something that you just need to start off with just a minute or two each day or find a book or find some quiet music or a song that you really enjoy. Maybe for you, it won’t actually be a quiet time, maybe it’s just doing something that really brings peace and joy to your heart. Take a moment and do that, crank that song on that makes you smile, throw on that video that makes you laugh, read a letter, read a blog! read that book, even just one page. Just choose to do something for a moment or 2 that makes you feel at peace, that makes you have a happy thought for even just a moment. Whatever you try, be proud that you took that time for you. In closing, remember this phrase and say it to yourself when you need a reminder. PAUSE…..count 2…. 3… Now Continue.

Until next time my friends, be gentle to yourself and look out for one another.

A Podcast you say?

Grab a cuppa something yummy and join me over at my Podcast!

Welcome to me and my stories surrounding living with and also loving someone with PTSD. Mental health issues are something that have been a part of my life for many many years now and I feel it’s time to start sharing those stories with other people and help them through their own mental health struggles.