Blog Challenge Day 17

Today’s prompt was a lot of fun and was really super easy to write! If only I could turn back time!

List 10 things you would tell your 14-year-old self, if you could.

You are wonderful, and I am proud of you each and every day! I feel that at 14 it is so tough on kids these days! I know you may feel like you are not doing good some days. I want you to know that every single day I am so proud of you! Even on the days when you make choices I, as your mamma, may not like, I am still proud of you! Proud that you are learning to make choices on your own, and learning from the way these choices make you think and feel. It is so great that you are realizing right from wrong, good to better, and learning to think about the outcomes of the choices you make! This makes me super proud!

Don’t Compare yourself to others! That is just cruel to yourself! Compare yourself to only who you were yesterday! Look at what made you happy, what made you sad, what angered you and try each day to be better than the day before! You are great just as you are.

Be proud of who is in that mirror!

Don’t stress over your body! This is similar to # 2, I know, I can see you rolling your eyes at me! LOL You are good at that, aren’t you, my little mini-me! I want you to embrace every feature of your body! You are totally unique in your body! You have something that NOONE else has and that is something you should be super proud of! It doesn’t matter what all your friends look like. You are better then any photoshopped gal or guy you may be thinking of! Social media, TV, etc, want you to doubt who you are, to not be happy with your body! I am telling you, THAT IS NOT REALITY! You are reality, you are awesome!

I love you each and every day! When you think I am being overprotective and being ‘that friggne awful mom’ I am doing that because I care and because I love you! I want you to know that every minute of every dayLife may seem like it really sucks right now, trust me love, it will get better I promise! In 10 years you will see how these crappy times you may have are going to help you grow and mature into a confident and kick ass young adult!

You are going to fall in love, and you are going to get hurt. This is just a part of life and part of what I explained in point 5. These moments of happiness and love will help you feel and help you explore emotions and how to handle these emotions! The heartbreak and downside of falling into, what you may call love, will hurt like hell, trust me that hurt will help you grow and help you determine what really makes you happy. These highs and lows will help you to better understand what you truly deserve out of a relationship, it will help you to not just settle for someone that doesn’t make you truly happy.

Yes, honey, I know you probably won’t ever need to know how the letters and numbers in algebra. The intense crazy language of Chemistry or physics may not be something you will ever use again! Please try to understand that these classes that may seem sooooooo stupid right now and have you stressed to the max are all teaching you about HOW you learn! Yeah, yeah, yeah I get it, it sucks, but honestly hun the best thing about these classes that you dislike is this – they are teaching you about how you learn, how to have determination, persistence and how to communicate! Trust me, love, hate these homework fights just as much as you!

I want you to know that no matter what choices you may make, I am always here to support you. I don’t ever want you feeling scared to talk to me about things. You are going to make choices that make you feel like crap, ashamed and may even get you feeling like an awful person! I am here to help you work through those choices, and help you to sort out how you can make changes in your thought process so you can hopefully make better choices. I will not yell or scream, I may tell you I am disappointed or that I feel bad that you are going through this tough time, but you have a safe place with me ALWAYS to work through this thing called life. ALWAYS! AND my love, I want you to be proud and share with me all the times you feel proud of the choices you make that make you feel good!! I know you will have many of those moments too!

I am human, I will make mistakes and I will do things that I am not proud of. I will do my best to own my mistakes, my not so good choices and offer my apologies when I do. I will lose my cool and overreact from time to time, I will not be proud when I do this. I want you to feel confident enough to respectfully, tell me I am being unreasonable or not understanding. I want you to feel ok let me know if I am being unreasonable, and allow us to talk about it.

Learn to be still and feel your emotions

The biggest thing I want you to know is this! It is ok to have emotions. It is ok to cry, to feel sad, to feel pain, to feel joy and excitement! Some days you may feel like you just need to cry, that is ok. Cry, let that emotion out! Don’t ever feel ashamed for your emotions. I want you to be able to learn to sit with your emotions and not try to hide them. Emotions are healthy. The more you can learn to really feel your emotions and learn to listen to your emotions the better your head will feel. Emotions can seem scary sometimes, that is ok, in time you will learn how to work with your emotions. So cry if you need to, laugh when you want to and never be ashamed of any emotion you may have, and trust me, as a female, AND as a girl of my genes, you are gonna experience lots of emotions! I am here with you always and forever my girl, you are amazing!

Thanks again my friends for sharing your time with me! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed putting this together! If you could give your 14 year old self some words, what would they be?

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself, and look out for others! xo

Watch “How do you measure your success?” on YouTube

Today I vlogged again!! lol is that even a word? Who knows.. well it is now. My thoughts for the day, sharing my mind and encouraging you while pushing myself💔💕↘️⬇️  OHHH that face of mine! Most definitely need to work on the facial expressions as I start these videos!! Oh well, laugh along with me and push the darn play button to get rid of that look!!! xoxo


Until next time my friends be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo

Blog Challenge Day 16

Today’s prompt:

What are 3 of your legitimate fears and why.

Well, I seem to have a lot of fears now that I stopped to think about it. They use word legitimate in the prompt- Like what the heck, who are they to say what is legitimate or not!! LOL. Anyways, rant over, here are my fears, and YES they are all legitimate to me!! The first 2 are pretty generic, the third is raw and is me. It deals with death.


I know they are useful. I know that help with the mosquitoes and other little creepies- they still scare me to tears. I know many will say this is not a legitimate fear – it’s silly to fear such a tiny little thing. All I can think of is my long hair and one of them flying little jeezers flying at me AND it getting tangled in my hair.
What would I do then I’d be a mess. I’d be freaking and running and screaming and crying at the wait on my arms it would just be a scene. And that will just make you look even more stuck in my hair I remember we were camping at a cottage in Nova Scotia nearest back and I woke in the morning and we were getting ready to go and something was flying around inside the cabin. Deep down inside I knew it was a bat but I kept telling myself it was just a bird. I made my husband up the time pack everything up as I could soon to myself saying the blankets and would not move until he was packed and I could sneak out still wrapped in the blankets into the car. Yes, that’s a bit extreme but I was petrified. Anyways I survived that made it to the car safe and sound. There are many instances where I am scared. My kids get a great kick out of it, literally, we can be sitting around a campfire and if a bat comes by I will either go back inside or if I’m too scared to do that, I hope to have a hoodie on and I tie that hoodie so tight around my head. There’s no way that bat can get to my hair and I sit there in tears until I can get to a safe place. And of course, this makes them laugh even harder got to love the support of my children.

Hiding from bats?


I know many people love them. I am not one of those people. I don’t care if they’re big or small, white, brown, green, black, purple, a gummy snake, ok well maybe not gummy snakes! I don’t care what color the snake is, a snake is a snake. It needs to stay at least a good fifty feet away from me. Which is kind of odd because I’m a country girl that hates city living. This means that I quite often will encounter little garden snakes. Anybody in the vicinity of me will know but I have seen a snake because I squeal like a baby and I freaked out and run.

Fear of my children dying

I know that everybody dies at some point in time. I think this fear comes from the fact I’ve already had to bury one of my children. (You can read Claudia’s story here) It’s a struggle every day to not let this fear completely control me. I have been a super protective mom and it’s just been the last little while I’ve been able to get a little better grasp on this fear. Now, don’t get me wrong, the fear is still there. I still get an ache in my heart – my gut just aches from time to time. It really is a crazy thing to fear but it is my fear. My children are getting older my youngest is 16 and it really does take a lot of time and energy to keep the fear at bay. To keep my mind from wandering to the doom and gloom, to just accept life. Even just writing this I am feeling very uneasy. I know that my kids are smart. I’ve raised them well and I really can’t let this fear control me. I think perhaps being an empath comes into play with this fear as well. My heart aches when I hear of parents losing a child. I can relate to that pain they are experiencing. I guess that is where the fear kind of comes in. I know the pain, it scares the crap out of me. This past weekend here in PEI we learned of a young child and his father, losing their lives in a tragic accident. It has really pulled at my heartstrings and my heart goes out to the family. I also need to mention the families in Miramichi, who lost their children this weekend in an awful accident. Four teenagers lost their lives in a vehicle accident, the same age as youngest daughter. These families are living my worst fear.

It really makes us stop and look at life, it can be over in an instant.
So despite my fears, and your own fears too, as big or as small as they may be, it is important to focus on having a realistic mind when dealing with our fears. Let us not be afraid to live while we are still able too!

Sorry for totally changing the mood of this post, I could have kept it light and silly, but my heart is not there right now. This blog is about me, me being raw, real, and not sugarcoating things. I say it like it is, sharing the raw, real me, on this blog -that seems to be what people like!

Please take care of yourself, don’t let your fears run your life. Do what makes you smile, do what makes you happy. Do whatever it takes, day after day, to learn to keep whatever you fear from controlling your days.

In memory of Josh Underhay and his son, Oliver April 2019

In memory of Cassie,Emma,Logan and Avery April 2019

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo

The days after dirty glasses. PTSD

Hey all, if you haven’t seen my Life through dirty lenses, the title here probably doesn’t make much sense. Take a break from this page and click below to read it first! Then head on back and watch my Vlog today! I ventured out and tried a video post instead of full out long written one! eekkkkk It was nerve wracking!

Today is still a struggle – I am pushing through! I wanted to get this out last night as a bit of a decompression from the past few days, but I was exhausted last night and didn’t get to it before I was sleep. So, no big deal today is a new day, struggles and all, and I actually managed to get my ice cream today! It wasn’t nearly as bad as last night! If you haven’t watched the video you won’t understand that last line!

I am stepping way out my comfort zone with these videos, so if you managed to stick around for the whole thing, let me know. Drop me a reply below or comment on my FB or Instagram or even on my You tube channel! I am loving all the interactions from so many of you so far! Its great to know my rantings and ramblings are reaching and helping! Even if it helps one person, I am happy!

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself, and look out for others!

The fine print: if you struggling please reach out to a professional, I am NOT a professional , I hope to help you find the strength with YOU to reach out for professional help!

The finer print; Links to all my other social media can be found at the top of this site!

Life through dirty lenses. Living with PTSD.

Trigger warning. Suicide.

This blog will talk about suicide and the really dark side of untreated emotional health. It may be hard for some to read, but that is why it needs to be written, shared and talked about. Emotional health is just as important as physical health and it burns my blood that there is still so much stigma in society today towards the emotional side of health. I am angry. I am scared. I am sad. I am frustrated. I am tired, tired of the stigma we allow to keep us hidden away when it comes to emotional health, mental health, whatever you choose to call it. Tired of losing lives to suicide.

Today started with my head in a fog. Yesterday I wrote my first in-depth blog focusing on my journey living with PTSD. It is long and a bit all over the place. That is PTSD — all over the place. My sleep last night was very broken and anything but restful. My mind was on overdrive. It is very draining, trying to get my thoughts out of my head in a way that may be understandable to you all.

As I was working to get myself awake and get my head back to today, back to reality, my fiancée received a text from his good buddy. He instantly knew something was wrong. The next few texts proved his instinct was right. A friend of theirs killed himself last night.

My heart dropped. I could see the pain in his eyes and I knew this was going to be a day. A day trying to get our head around this loss of life. A day trying to be supportive to my partner, my rock. It always hits hard when we hear of someone dying. Multiply that by a million — it turns out that this death was a fellow veteran, a man who has been struggling for quite some time. A man who looks rock solid, tough as nails. I know that all humans are at risk for PTSD. Size is irrelevant, as is age, profession, race or religion. Sometimes though, society is cruel. We think that a certain person is weak if they admit to having some sort of emotional illness.

Why can’t we just be empathetic to all?

I am not too proud to say that I have also had suicidal thoughts, going to battle with my suicidal ideation. I am not selfish. I am not a coward. I am not weak. I am a fighter and I live with mental illnesses. I have a loving support network. I have great kids. I have things in life I still want to do. So you may ask, how dare I think of taking my own life?

Well, let me try and explain.

Pretend you have a pair of eyeglasses. Put those glasses on your face now. Next, imagine a thin layer of dirt getting on those lenses. You try and wipe the dirt off, but all you can do is smudge it a bit.

The dirt is still there.

You cannot take off these glasses.

You cannot clean them.

As you look through those glasses, you can still see but it’s a bit hard. You can see the things around you. You see your kids perhaps. Your spouse. Your friends. The things in life that bring you joy and give you a sense of purpose.

You can see, but it is blurred from the dirt.

Now imagine another layer of dirt being spread across those lenses. The lenses are now really blurring everything you try to see. You try to wipe them clear again, this time using some type of lens cleaner. Again, it just smudges. There are a few spots that you can see out of, but overall, all you see is the dirt.

Are you getting frustrated yet?

You still can’t take those lenses off. You still can’t see clearly past all that damn dirt. You know there are things around you and people around you who care. You can hear voices, but all you see is dirt. The people around you try to clear that dirt. It sticks.24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you only see dirt.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you only see dirt.

You try to wipe again, this time with a stronger cleaner, but only get a small speck of light to come through the dirt. That light, that small clearing, gives you a bit of freedom from the frustration. That small bit of freedom gives you energy to keep going, to keep trying to see past that damn dirt.


A huge pile of dirt slams onto those already dirty lenses. You try with all your might to clear the dirt. You try so many different types of cleaners. You try everything you can think of, everything that everyone tells you to try.

Nothing you try will clear those lenses.

You are stuck with this dirt on these lenses all the time. You try and try again to take them off, to clean that view, but you can’t. The dirt is stuck there like crazy glue. You want to see life. You want to see those things that used to make you feel human and have a purpose, but no matter what you do, that dirt remains!

That dirt is paralyzing you.

You used to be able to feel life, even though you maybe couldn’t always see it. You lose sight of that person who you used to be. All those things that were life as you used to know it are now a fading memory. They no longer exist in your state of mind. The days have turned to weeks, the weeks have turned to months and for many, the months have turned into years.

Imagine you have had these dirty lenses blocking your view for years.

For years, you have been trying to clear them, to see your life as you used to know it. Instead, all you can see is dirt.

You have become so drained, so emotionally exhausted, after trying so long to clear that view. It is utter pain not being able to see or feel the things that used to be your life. The pain becomes unbearable and all you crave is to numb it.

Then the spiraling starts. You may have a ton of love and support around you, trying all they can to help you. However, the negative thoughts, the overthinking, the lack of self-worth, the feelings of doom become overpowering and take control of your mind.

You numb the pain by turning to drugs or alcohol or whatever else your choice may be, looking for artificial happiness that ultimately can destroy you. In the end, it generates an unbearable pain. You don’t care anymore. Your vision has been so blurred for so long that all you desire is something to help you numb that pain. It impossible to see your worth. You get to the point where you have no hope and the suicidal thoughts kick in.

The dirt thickens, the light is gone. You see nothing but doom and uncontrollable pain.

Okay, go ahead take off those glasses I made you put on earlier. You are lucky. You can take them off. As you take those glasses off, remember that people living with PTSD can’t take those glasses off.

The dirt that is on those glasses I described is the trauma that led to PTSD. The trauma that makes us unable to see life clearly.

When I told you to try and clean the glasses all those different ways — the different cleaners, the different ideas that people may offer — that represents the help that we try to find. The help we so deeply want so we can see life clearly.

For some, we get to a point where we can have more and more days of seeing life through a small clearing in the lens. We know the trauma and the emotions associated with that trauma are still there. We still see it every day. But somehow, with some kind of strength and lots of support, we can push that dirt to the side enough to still see a purpose in life.

This doesn’t happen overnight, and it may seem like the lenses are clear for a while until all of a sudden, the dirt is back deeper and thicker than the last time.

Not only is this hard on the person living with PTSD, but it is also hard for friends and family. Loved ones see you slipping away, and they want to help clear that view. They may feel like they have already lost you, like they have lost that person you used to be. In a sense, they have. That person we used to be may never be that same person again. That is the brutal reality of PTSD.

Far too many people are left to try and clear these dirty lenses on their own for many different reasons. Many will push people away because they are embarrassed, scared, or too proud to admit they are struggling. This is how the suicides can happen.

As hard as it is, try and remember what life looks like through dirty lenses when you see someone struggling.

Editor’s Note: If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal ideation, please reach out for help. There are many organizations dedicated to helping you find the resources you need. Your life matters. Your life has value. Your life has a purpose.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

To Write Love on Her Arms /

If you want to read more on mental heath and wellness, I did a guest post over on spectrum of madness and encourage you all to check it out!

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others.

If I take my Life. Please talk about it.

Last night we lost yet another Veteran brother.

Losing one life to suicide is one too many.

For those following my other posts, you probably know I am a Canadian Veteran, living with PTSD and engaged to an amazing man who is also a Veteran living with PTSD.

A group of island veterans, including myself, made this video to help raise awareness for PTSD and to help end the stigma associated with Mental Health Illnesses. This video has reached many people but unfortunately we haven’t done much with the video in the past while. All of us in the video are living with PTSD, and life has been a challenge. We still work everyday to bring awareness for PTSD. I am sharing this here as a way to keep to keep the talk going.

Please don’t be scared to speak out, please speak out and find a buddy before you get too lost in your own thoughts. Please don’t feel like you are alone.

I want to encourage talking, NOT taking your own life. I also want people to call it like it is when a person takes their own life. All too often a suicide is not called a suicide because society doesn’t like that word. Suicide is often labeled as an accident, an overdose, but it hardly ever gets worded as the truth. The truth being, someone took their own life because the battle was too overpowering. It does not mean that person was weak, quite the opposite, that person was trying to be strong, in silence many times, for way too long. Help end the stigma surrounding Mental Health and suicide.

Please talk about it. NOW LATER AND ALWAYS.

Until next time my friends be kind to yourself and look out for others xox

Beauty and the Beast within. My life with PTSD.

What living with PTSD means to me. Yup, I’m the beauty, PTSD is the beast, without the inner beauty like the beast from Disneys Beauty and the Beast.

First let me explain a little bit about what PTSD is, in my words. PTSD is a mental health condition that causes the brain to act in a way in that it doesn’t process trauma in a right or healthy manner. PTSD is caused by something terrifying to that person. It can be an event you went through, such as a vehicle accident or abuse. It can also be caused by the witnessing of a traumatic event or seeing the after-effects of a traumatic event. As well as the PTSD, I have been diagnosed with Major Depressive disorder as well as an anxiety disorder. The 3 really have similarities and it is sometimes difficult to determine if it is the PTSD, the depression, the anxiety or just plain ol life that is kicking me down. I have a hard time knowing what is normal emotions. I take everything super personal and tend to be very hard on myself mentally.

What is important to note is, something that is terrifying to me or you may not be terrifying to someone else. Living with PTSD is exhausting. Right now I am not going to go into the things that lead to my diagnosis. That is much too much for me to begin putting into words. I am still working on that part with my psychologist.

The other important thing that I need everybody to realize is that even though two people may have experienced the same situation it doesn’t necessarily mean that those two people are going will end up with a diagnosis of PTSD or develop the same symptoms of PTSD. PTSD is very individual in certain ways although it does have many common traits to it.

A day in the life of me is very different each day. Overall I tend to be super emotional at things that most people can just easily cope with and not have it affect their mental state of mind. I’m sure part of this emotional person that I am comes from the fact that I have a lot of traits of an empath. I hope to write more about my thoughts on being an empath in the future. But for now, I will try my best to share a bit of life for me living with this vicious trio of Emotional Illness.

Let me share with a bit about triggers. Triggers are a major thing when living with PTSD. For those of you that aren’t familiar with what a trigger is, let me try and explain. A trigger can be almost anything. A trigger can be a sight, a sound, a smell, a touch, words, just to name a few. You see really it can be anything. Triggers can happen at any time no matter where you are, no matter what a person may be doing. The trigger will affect your mind and can take control of you. You may feel like you are right back in the environment where the trauma actually occurred. It affects you mentally and physically. Sometimes people are able to work through some of there triggers with a lot of hard personal work with properly trained professionals. For me, I have been working on identifying my own triggers since about 2009. I have come along way but still, triggers can wreak havoc in my life.

For example, one trigger that comes to mind for me is confrontation. Now I know nobody is really a huge fan of confrontation however for me that’s a trigger. It makes me very nervous, my anxiety kicks in full force and I start to lose control of my mind. I lose the ability to see things rationally and reasonably. I can become fearful, paranoid and an emotional mess. I hate attending hockey games most times, I understanding fighting is a part of the game, but something inside me switches and I go from a normal common sense person to a highly agitated, paranoid person who automatically thinks things are going to get out of hand and someone will die. All in the blink of an eye, I switch. It sucks, I feel embarrassed, as I know my face changes and I look totally terrified. I feel like people are watching me and making fun of me for being so irrational. I know that I am being irrational but I simply can’t control the mind and emotions, and I end up leaving and hide out at home for way too long after that beating myself up for letting my mind take over in such an unhealthy way.

Sometimes something that is a happy thing for others is a trigger for me. For example, pregnant women or newborn babies, sometimes it brings my heart happiness but depending on where my head is it can also make me very sad and can make depression set in. The negative thinking and the dreaded feeling of doom take over. I know this trigger is stemming from the loss of my second child. It has taken a lot of self-work to understand, accept and work through the way this used to totally paralyze me. This is one trigger that I have been able to get a better grip on and be able to handle a little more rationally most times. Now don’t get me wrong, I do love babies and the thought of new life. What I am saying is that the pain and the fear that I used to experience for way too many years, I am able to better handle without letting it control me.

Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

Another trigger for me is young soldiers or the talk of War. For other people triggers are completely different, for my fiance, loud noises can really be a trigger for him.

You may be asking, what happens for me when those triggers get a hold of me and my mind starts to spin? Well, this is where the words and thoughts get jumbled. I am trying to stay focused and continue to share, but I am feeling all over the place, so I hope this isn’t too much of a mess, but hey, if it is, welcome to a day in my head! 🙂 🙁

My mood changes in an instant, I can go from being in an okay mood to being completely unreasonable. My body can get very hot I can feel very flushed, I may start to shake. Irritability sets in and I completely lose patience. Sadly the mind can start to spin so quickly for me. I can say that in the past 10 years with time and with counseling and taking the time to really look inside myself I am getting better at recognizing when I am starting to spin. I still have times where my mind gets the best of me, today is one of those days. The negative thoughts set in the thoughts of self-harm set in and my head just really goes to a very dark place. Thankfully today I am able to keep the negative thoughts somewhat in control and the thoughts of self-harm haven’t crept in in quite a few months.

Before anyone starts getting too concerned about my state of mind let me reassure you, I am going to be ok. For today anyway, I know that. It is very difficult and scary trying to explain this to folks who aren’t familiar with the dark side of Emotional Illness. This brings me to the word that nobody likes to hear and nobody likes to talk about. Yep, that word is suicide. I’ve known people who have lost their struggle with PTSD and have taken their own lives. This is the last thing on earth I ever want to do. I have lots to live for, I have an amazing fiance and amazing friends, my children are pure joy for me. Even though I have all those positives in my life and things to look forward to, when my mind gets in that dark place it is very scary. I feel like I am losing control when the spinning gets so bad. One hand, when I’m in that state, I know how much pain taking my own life would bring to those people I care about. Knowing and having a better grip on that has been a huge factor in kept me alive this far I’m sure. On the other hand, those demons in my head just take over and all rational and sensible thoughts are quickly shot down and replaced by doom, the heaviness of the dark side is unbearable at times.

Photo by Alex Ivashenko on Unsplash

I can say now, that I am getting a better grasp on those demons but it is still scary knowing how strong those demons can be. I’m getting to a position now where I can recognize that I’m in that dark place and I’ll take precautions to keep myself safe. This is something that has taken many years to learn to accept and understand and hopefully with time those demons will start to have less control over my mind.

“The anger, the rage, the hurt and the cold loneliness that separates you from your family, friends and society’s normal, daily routine are so powerful that the option of destroying yourself is both real and attractive.” 

Dallaire, after he was found collapsed in a public park following his retirement.

I know this has been a long read so far, if you are still reading, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means the world to me that you are taking the time to read about mental health issues that no one really likes to acknowledge or know how to acknowledge and understand. Although I can smile a lot of the days now, more so than I could in the past, let me tell ya, there are still days where I’m very dark inside. Hopelessness is a word that I used to use quite frequently. With the help of many psychologists over the years, and with paying better attention to who I am inside, and why I feel certain things, that hopelessness feeling occurs a lot less.

PTSD has robbed me of a lot of my memories. It has left a lot of gaps in my past and it also has affected my short-term memory. It is very difficult to stay focused on one task. Memory is quite important and when the short-term memory is affected because of the PTSD, it makes concentration very difficult.

It has only been in the last year that I have been able to say that I am actually having feelings. That may be kind of strange to hear. In the past, I thought I was feeling emotions, but in reality, I was just stuck in a constant state of feeling numb, not really able to recognize much of anything emotion wise. The more I learn about my mind I realize that in fact I was just numb and I really had no feeling at all. I wasn’t able to actually feel joy or actually feel sadness. I was just in a constant state of nothing. This is probably more of the depression making me this way, but that is something else I am still working on, having good and bad emotions and knowing how to deal with emotions.

I remember about a year ago I was in with my psychologist and I was very worried because things were going quite well in my life at that time. I had described my feelings to her and told her about what was going on in my life. I was getting more involved with the veterans support group I helped co-facilitate. I had reconnected with a wonderful man who was helping me to find life again. Yeppers, that man is my fiance! What I didn’t understand was that I was actually feeling happy, she explained to me that everything I was saying to her was happiness. What the heck do you mean this is a normal feeling?? Oh my gosh, what is going on! That really hit me hard because I was so worried that I was entering into a state of mania, I was not sure what this feeling was and it made me scared. So for her to say that I was simply being happy that scared the crap out of me. It meant I was actually starting to feel emotion again. You may think that that is a great thing and yes while I guess it was, and is a great thing, at the time it was really scary because it was so foreign to me. I was so used to having complete numbness and not really knowing any highs or lows that actually being happy made me scared.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” 

Mahatma Gandhi

I know life living with me is not easy, my children have been through some very difficult times, they’ve seen me in some super depressed states. They’ve been at the brunt of me losing patience at the simplest of things. They’ve seen me lose my cool and overreact at things they have done. They’ve seen me cry over the littlest of things. I’m happy to say, even though it’s been hard on them, my children have also been able to see me own up to my actions. They’ve seen the look of complete paranoia and fear in my face. They’ve felt the awkwardness of not knowing what to do.

I’ve tried to educate my children at their level on what my PTSD is and how it affects my everyday life. It took me quite a few years to be comfortable to try and be open and educate my kids on something so raw and uncomfortable. For the longest time, I tried to hide everything. I tried to hide my PTSD, my depression, my anxiety attacks. These are taboo things in society and I certainly shouldn’t admit to my kids that I am not perfect!! LOL, because in my mind every other Mom out there was perfect and I was nothing like that in my head. I see myself differently most days now. I used to and hide my outbursts or cover them up some stupid ridiculous lie. It wasn’t until I decided to be open with them and share a little bit with them, that things in my head got a little better. When I was in the phase of trying to hide things from them it brought a lot of guilt to me. They felt that they were doing things wrong. They were feeling like they could never please me because I was always losing my patience. What they didn’t know and what I was hiding from them was the fact that I was super proud of them and my outbursts and my reactions were not a result of their actions. This was the result of me letting the vicious trio get the best of me.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

The biggest thing I think I have learned so far about being a mom and being a partner with PTSD is communication is so important. With no communication, my kids, my partner and the people around me don’t understand where my head is at. When I am cranky or when I am irritable and I don’t tell them why it’s easy for them to assume it’s because of something they did. So slowly I’m learning to communicate and just simply say ‘ holy crap I’m having a day.’ This is kina my warning label for those around me!! Oh, oh, the vicious trio is taking over her… ughhhh .
I’ve learned to apologize for outbursts that may have been hard for them to see. I’ve learned to vocalize more when I’m having a struggle so that they know it’s not their actions that are making me upset or sad.

I feel like I’m starting to lose focus and am getting a little overwhelmed. I’m going to sign off for now. I hope this sheds a little bit of light on what it’s like living with PTSD.

I’m slowly becoming an open book as far as my journey with PTSD and the vicious trio, any questions you might have I would be happy to try and answer.

Thanks for taking the time to join me on this journey as I begin to share my PTSD struggles.

Future blogs will eventually explore more of the physical effects that PTSD has on me! Oh the joys, the restless legs at night, the migraines, the belly issues, the sore jaws, the lack of sleep, oh me oh my!!

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others.

Emotional Overload – “Noodlebrain”

What to do when your emotions get the best of you and that hot mess of a person sets in and takes over your mind.

What about when you just get so much stuff in your head and you end up losing the ability to focus on self-care? It’s not that you don’t understand how important it is. We know that when we neglect ourselves we eventually, slowly, and painfully become an emotionally exhausted hot mess.
Well, that hot mess is what you are getting today.

We all know how important self-care truly is, I’ve spoken about it before and will continue to do so even if I stumble and neglect my own self-care from time to time.

This past week, well honestly, the few weeks prior as well, have really played havoc on my mind. Things have been so busy with so many emotions! Good, bad, happy, ecstatic, lonely, regretful, confused, loved, hated, suffocated, and many more emotions!

“You get it, right?”

From the amazing trip out to visit my son and his now-fiancee in Edmonton, to seeing the beauty of the mountains in Western Canada and breathing that fresh air that is like no other, to the visit with my Aunt who I haven’t seen in over 20 years, to the trip to Halifax for my daughters surgery, to the trip to Church Point NS to celebrate my fiance’s moms 80th bday and meeting his sister from BC, to spending some time with my gorgeous redhead girl in Halifax, and now, being home as my girl recovers from her surgery, to say emotions have been running wild is to put it mildly!

Now don’t get me wrong, as much as I may sound pouty or ungrateful, that is the farthest from the truth you could get! I am beyond grateful for so many things and I think that is part of my problem too. There is just so much going on in my brain it is all like a bowl of cooked spaghetti noodles. All the noodles intertwined just like all the emotions. Imagine having a bowl of cooked spaghetti and how delicate those noodles are, try to pull just one out without breaking it, and then trying to finally focus on that one noodle. Well, I’m that noodlebrain these days.

Noodlebrain: Someone who is a bit confused…..

Urban Dictionary

Now, while I am great at offering suggestions to others who may feel like this, for me to do this for myself, well heck no, that just ain’t happening. BUT, it has to happen because no one can go on living like a noodlebrain forever, right?
I need to say that because I know this is just a bump in my journey and there will be many more bumps but those bumps won’t last forever, nor will that noodlebrain feeling.
So, despite the fact I really feel like I have don’t have the energy to carry on and to sort out this gosh darn noodlebrain, here I am venting at all of you and saying to myself, girl you gotta do this.

“You gotta do this, “

So for all of you who can relate to the noodlebrain feeling or the feeling of being too tired to carry on, I challenge you to look at you and why ” YOU, gotta do this” Try and put aside the noodle bowl mind for a few seconds at a time and really look at your OWN why’s. Despite that jumble of intertwined emotions, you are an amazing person and YOU have reasons that can help remind you of your own why’s.

Look at you, what are your reasons ‘Why’ ” YOU, gotta do this?

I am going to share with you some of my WHY’s, in case you need some help getting your own list going. These are just random why’s for me, not listed in any order of priority, they all carry there own weight. Bottom line is, it doesn’t matter what you’re WHY’s are, it just matters that you remember them and do what’s needed to keep going, to keep working on sorting those emotion noodles, with gentleness and grace, as slow as YOU need to!

Some of my ‘Whys’

A. My posts about our Scoliosis journey, have led to a fellow “scoliosis girl” mom in another province to reach out to me. I received a ding from my Facebook notification as I was stuck in my noodlebrain. Stuck hating life and wondering what my purpose is. Sounds dumb I know, but I really was in a dark place at that moment. Her message made my day and brought me out of that dark place. So, that WHY is because even in my darkest of times, simply by sharing stories in my blog, which forces me to stay focused, it’s connecting people with people in a great way that really helps.

B. Friends that really matter, those who can relate to the emotional noodle jumble need my noodlebrain! Yep, believe it or not, even when we feel like complete noodlebrains, chatting with fellow noodlebrains really helps. Those friends can help you realize that it really is ok, and that jumble can be dealt with, one emotion at a time. Noodlebrains, helping noodlebrains, one noodle at a time! Please laugh when you read that!!

C. Reconnecting with “long lost” family members, this is a huge one for me! nuf said on that one! I will hopefully elaborate on that WHY in a later blog!

D. My wonderful immediate family!! Daughters to be here for, sons too and a soon to be daughter in law too!! Weddings to be planned, mine and also my boys. Grand kiddies from my fiances family, that we get to watch grow and amaze us all the time!

E. The final WHY I will share for now is this; I am sure all the bumps and turns that my journey has brought me so far are for a reason. I have no idea about the exact reason, or reasons and don’t think it really matters. By sharing my journey, I hope that all my bumps and turns will help others along their own journeys. Personally, I have found so much support and comfort from the experiences that others have shared about their own bumps and turns. So this final WHY, is ‘ to share my stories with others and perhaps bring some comfort and support for them on their own journey.

Now that I have sort of loosened up that noodle pile in my brain, and forced myself to focus on my WHY’s, I shall leave you all for now. I am going to work on a 30-day blog challenge, I think this will help keep me focusing on the positives and give me the strength to gently start ‘unclumping ‘all these intertwined emotions and allow me to share a bit of how that goes!

Join me on this challenge, start your own blog, add it to your existing blog, or simply challenge yourself to comment on mine !

I encourage you all to share one of your own WHY’s below, or share how you work at unjumbling your own noodlebrain. Be sure to follow me and to subscribe to my blog so you won’t miss anything this noodlebrain has to share!

Until next time my noodlebrain and non-noodlebrain friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others.

The part of parenting we tend to not think about..

Well, for those who have been following my blog, you know that we have recently returned from seeing my son and his girlfriend in Edmonton, and now are gearing up for my daughters Scoliosis surgery at the IWK in Halifax.

To say it has been an emotional rollercoaster doesn’t even come close to describing what has been going on in my heart and my head. One thing I am really starting to realize about parenting is this; nothing really prepares you for when your kids grow up and start their own lives. When kids are younger we always talk about the days when our little pain the butts grow up and finally leave the comforts of home. We spend a lifetime trying to prepare our little bundles for the big bad world, but what do we do to prepare ourselves to let them go? 2 of my kiddos are now out on there own. I can honestly say that I am so super proud of both of them. Both have gone through struggles getting on with this next chapter, which they have met with such maturity that I just can’t help but think that somehow we have raised them well. This is despite all the bad mom moments I have totally beat myself up over.

it’s crazy how watching our children grow can be the greatest yet toughest moments of our lives…

As I spent a week with my son and his girlfriend, I experienced so many mixed emotions about so many things in life. I reflected on our days gone by, I reflected on the rough days and the fantastic times we also have , which I am really truly grateful for, with my youngest still at home. She is 16 going on 40, I’m sure many can relate to that phase!! I have really had a great sense of peace as I reflect on how well they are all really are doing. However, I also miss the younger days, the days when we were all living so close to each other. Now I face a 4.5hr drive to see my daughter, or the plane ride to travel to the other side of Canada to see my boy, or the anticipation of where college will take my youngest next fall. I am enjoying the thoughts of them all being out on their own and enjoying the next chapters in life, on the same hand it is kind of scary preparing for my own next chapter, being a parent of three grown children. It is such a whirlwind of emotions, that I am truly grateful for and honored to be experiencing.

…pause…two…three…now continue…. always remember to take time for you..xo

I am learning to embrace every moment of every day and to just slow down and really look at what is important, something I wish I would have learned earlier in life. Rather than pouting and being miserable for the past I am working so hard at enjoying each day and being thankful for the experiences life has given me so far. The good, the bad and the ugly. When it all comes down to it, life is happening each day, so its best to just embrace it and focus on the things you can control and not worry about the things you can’t. I work to find peace in each day and in knowing that no matter what, I will always be Mom to my babies and that no amount of worry will help them or me.

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and as always, look out for others! xo

Empty Arms Mom

I truly am no professional writer or poet. These words came to me after losing my second born child. It really tells my inner story. Sadly, I’m sure other moms in similar situations can relate. Now don’t get me wrong, my arms have been full of life and love in this lifetime, but a part of those arms will always remain empty, the place where Claudia would have filled.

Fantastic news
Baby 2 on the way
A big brother soon to be.
Excitement grows each day
Belly grows each day
Million dollar family
Soon to be.

Days go by
Emotions are growing
Baby is growing
Belly is growing
Smiling faces greet you
Each day the bump gets larger
Monthly Dr visits become weekly
Belly is quite large Dr says
“let’s do some tests …
just to be safe”
Inner smiles start to fade
Outer smiles are forced,
Emotions are intense,
All over the place.
What ifs take over
Tests results take forever.
Inner thoughts are battling
Telling yourself things will be fine.
The call comes.
The unimaginable
There’s too much fluid
Something is wrong
Tests and more tests
Playing with emotions like only
Empty arm moms can comprehend
Empty arms moms
How can one even being to imagine
Belly still growing
Baby still kicking
Baby still very much alive
Reality is,
baby will never come home.
Big brother he won’t be
Mom to be,
of an angel baby
Smiling faces still greet you
Strangers meaning well
Uncontrollable crying inside
Visions fade
Hopes and dreams fade
Anger sets in
Strength fades away
Belly still growing
A soccer player inside
A lifeless body outside
The end is near
A painful end.
The day arrives,
The day we long for
The day we dread facing
I need to stay strong
No one knows the pain
The emptiness
The excitement felt
Is unexplainable
A beautiful girl enters our world
So precious
So tiny, so much love
So little time
For a moment in time
arms are not empty
My heart is full of love
She’s precious
She’s alive
She’s breathing
Capturing hearts
Creating memories to last a lifetime
Tears flow
Happy tears turn to
Sad tears
Minutes pass
Smiles fade
The end is near
She’s struggling
Losing her battle
Reality sets in
Her final breath
43 minutes of memories
is all that remains
Empty arms mom.
That is now the reality
Numbness sets in
Days blend together
Smiles are hard to find
Emptiness inside
Strong and courageous on the outside
Defeated and numb on the inside
Awkward encounters
Empty arms moms
What to say
What to do
How to carry on
The days pass by
The pain a daily reminder
Life will never be the same
Life has never been the same
The heart loves a little deeper
Emotions hit a little harder
Memories remain
Smiles return
Life is precious
No matter how short life is
Memories last a lifetime
Inner scars that never fully heal

Empty arms mom I will always be.

My baby girls obituary.. xoxo

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look our for others. xo