Self Care Sunday in a different light

Self Care Sunday… It’s been a hot minute since my head has been calm and “unfoggy” enough to share in this blog…

Sometimes life’s bumps and turns and crap in general gets to heavy for one to feel any kind of normal. That’s definitely been me for way to long. But alas today I’m feeling a bit of a clearing and wanted to share.

What have YOU done for YOU today??

For me, its been a real struggle the past few months, mentally physically, in alll ways..Life is like that sometimes, for sure…

The past few weeks I’ve been seeing an accupuncturist, and trying to get my head back into a good routine.

My body has been sore, my skin is a mess, my head has been a mis mash of SH!t and well, its time to start crawling back out of this rut…

Today for me, I went to the gym, and am enjoying the sunshine and reading up on Traditional Chinese Medicine for overall health.

I found this article quite interesting and thought it may be worth sharing and maybe even getting some discussion going. Polite, respectful and kind discussion, keeping in mind that one person may have very different thoughts on our health and that is totally ok, we can still be respectful 🙏 ❤

Sooo, what have you done for YOU?? 🙂 🌺😍