Blog challenge day 21

The Prompt for today is

If you could live anywhere in the world where and why.

Welcome everybody. It is hard to believe there is only 9 days left in this challenge. I have to say it again I’m super proud of myself that I’ve made it to this heart and this 30-day challenge I was only late one day with a post and I’m pretty content with that.

The neat thing I’m finding about these prompts now is I’m exploring. I’m learning new things and it’s exciting to share.

We all have those dreams we all have those visions of the perfect spot to live it’s different for everyone I’m sure. For me my mind always goes to blue water sunshine and sand. My dream home location would be and Island somewhere warm somewhere that’s the people are dumb and peaceful and enjoy what life brings them each day. I like the idea of an island being surrounded by water I find the water very peaceful. I’m fortunate to live on an island now, but I have red sand, not so blue water and Snow! lol

Palacio de la magdalena, santander, spain

I decided my morning coffee date with Google this morning would be spent looking for isolated Islands that could potentially be my home. LOL one day.

I came across this one article about this island that is extremely isolated and has a population of only about 62 people right now.
I think perhaps that might be a little bit too isolated for me but it was a really interesting read. Check it out here.

Now I don’t think I want to be on an island that is quite that isolated and requires quite so much Logistics to get to but I would certainly be down for a visit.

So where would you be if you could live anywhere?

Until next time my friends be kind to yourself and look out for others. XO

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