Blog Challenge day 20

I’m very happy being me, although sometimes I’d love to be a bird so that I could fly.

Joy Fielding

Hard to believe my amazing friends, were at day 20 of this 30-day Journey already. If you haven’t taken the time to check out the 19 days prior, please do! You can click here for those links!

Today’s prompt is: If you could be an animal what animal would you be, and why?

This one was really fun for me. I’ve always told my kids that in my next life I’m going to come back as a bird. And they laugh at me which is okay because they laugh at me for many reasons so it’s all cool.

I like the idea of taking off like a bird.
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Florence Welsh

But in all honesty, think about it! A bird, free to fly wherever you want. No worries of spring cleaning, no need to worry about downsizing no need to worry about how to declutter. Like a bird, you just worry about you. No baggage no luggage no strings no attachments, once the wee ones leave the nest! lol. Just pure freedom. I would still like to have my family and some type of closeness, birds have emotions and feelings, they just do it differently than humans.

 “I’m like a bird, I only fly away. I don’t know where my soul is. I don’t know where my home is.”

Nelly Furtado

I love the thought of being able to soar so high up into the clouds just being free. The ability to swoop down and fly right above the water. The ability basically to fly anywhere you want. To grab a wire have a seat enjoy the view, when you get tired of that view, flap your wings and soar.

I think of peace when I think of birds, BUT, I would have some fun with being a Bird too. You know, find those people that are scared of birds and of course have a little bit of fun with them. Maybe even have a poop or two on someone being not nice! LOL I know two wrongs don’t make a right!! LOL, but when ya gotta go ya gotta go!!

For now, though, I will continue living this awesome life I have right now and being free as a bird in my thoughts and always think of this quote!

I’m like a bird on a wire!

“Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.”

Victor Hugo

Until next time my friends, be kind to yourself and look out for others! xo

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